Susan Boyle Inspires Free Giveaway of Best Selling Diabetes Book

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( — December 5, 2013)  — 


Dr. Kevin Buckman is releasing Reversing Diabetes as a free book on diabetes and pre-diabetic metabolism. The giveaway is in tribute to Susan Boyle’s courage and character. It is also inspired, in part, by the graciousness and generosity of Carol Kraft, one of Ms. Boyle’s biggest fans. Carol, who also goes by the nickname “Tweek”, designs and distributes pins to fans of Susan Boyle who are in attendance at her concerts and television appearances. A picture of one of her pins is featured in Ms. Boyle’s autobiography. Through the pins, she links the millions of fans that love and appreciate the beautiful voice and wonderful music that Susan Boyle shares with the world.


With Reversing Diabetes, the authors hope to link those with diabetes the world over and join them in coping with and treating the disease. The book, co-authored by Dr. Buckman and Dr. Barkat Charan, is now available for free on the Kindle platform.


Dr. Buckman and Dr. Charan integrate knowledge of the field of metabolism, nutrition, and diabetes with research conducted over 35 years. As experts in this field, they has researched why, like breast cancer, there is such an increase in incidence of this deadly disease, and what to do about it. Based on their research, they have created and developed numerous treatment strategies and technologies.


One of the technologies is a process of mimicking the normal function of the pancreas with an Artificial Pancreas which finds the normal insulin release rhythm, and uses a Medtronic pumping device to release the insulin in accordance to amount and timing of needed insulin that is lacking in Type 1 and Type 2 diabetics. “What this does is amazing and simple – it helps with an enzyme deficiency.  Diabetics don’t produce the insulin and one the effects of this is that the liver is not alerted to produce eighteen key enzymes needed to process all carbohydrates and fats.  Basically the liver falls asleep because the insulin is not “poking it to stay awake”  thus the reason why the medical term is called “Sleepy Liver Syndrome,” states Dr. Kevin Buckman.


Pills taken for diabetes chase sugars but do not correct metabolism of all carbohydrates and fats so complications of diabetes continue, including increased risk of cancer. A recent publication in Diabetes Metabolism Research and Review by Peter Bergsten, Department of Medical Cell Biology, University of Uppsala, Sweden, found that normal plasma insulin displays five to ten minute oscillations or pulsations. That is what we do, in part, to correct metabolism.  


In Type 2 diabetes the regularity of these pulsing oscillations disappears. This can cause insulin receptor down regulation and glucose intolerance (blood sugars and metabolism are out of control). Like others doing this research, he states that this is “why pulsatile delivery of the hormone (insulin) has a greater hypoglycemic effect than continuous delivery.” 

A recent publication in Diabetes Metabolism Research and Review by Peter Bergsten, Department of Medical Cell Biology, University of Uppsala, Sweden, found that normal plasma insulin displays five to ten minute oscillations or pulsations. That is what this technology does, in part, to correct metabolism.   


In Type 2 diabetes the regularity of these pulsing oscillations disappears. This can cause insulin receptor down regulation and glucose intolerance (blood sugars and metabolism are out of control). Like others doing this research, he states that this is “why pulsatile delivery of the hormone (insulin) has a greater hypoglycemic effect than continuous delivery.” 

Studies go back over twenty years showing the same information. This includes studies by Matthews et al published in Diabetes in 1983 on the role of pulsatile insulin for improved glucose control. Other authors (Paolisso et al) published studies in the 80’s about benefits of pulsatile insulin in even non-insulin-dependent diabetics.  


Diabetes is not just about controlling blood sugars. Diabetes involves a cascade of metabolic functions that need to follow the proper chemical pathways. Artificial Pancreas Therapy has been shown by clinical trials in major Universities to be effective for the complications of diabetes including:


1.     Advanced kidney disease (nephropathy),

2.     Diabetic nerve disease (neuropathy),

3.     Several types of diabetic eye diseases, (retinopathy)

4.     Diabetic heart disease (cardiomyopathy),

5.     Out of control blood sugars (brittle),

6.     Loss of consciousness (hypoglycemic unawareness),

7.     High blood pressure (hypertension),

8.     Non-healing wounds and sores of all types,

9.     Male and female sexual dysfunction (including ED),

10.   Metabolically induced depression and chronic fatigue,

11.   Other less known of diabetes such as cancer.


There is much more to diabetes than chasing sugar. It is about billions of chemical reactions every day and countless metabolic pathways that involve every organ in the body.  Reversing Diabetes is a stand out publication in the field of diabetes treatment and contains information that every diabetic needs as they continue to cope with their disease.

To get a copy of Reversing Diabetes, please click here