The Value of Controversy – The Tool That Changes Our Lives

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( — January 6, 2014)  Modern methodologies of treatment options coupled with evolving acceptance of forward-thinking techniques in regards to personal health are blossoming as the evolution of humans and science progress rapidly among a new-age world.

Along with this follows the creation of newfound concepts, techniques, and acceptance of innovative treatment options available for a wide variety of common problems confronting us within this modern, fast-paced society.

“Access Consciousness” and “Access Bars” are positioned at the forefront of these new movements. While many may have never heard of this approach that easily improves a person’s lifestyle, health, and plethora of other issues faced by many – it’s now catching fire as a highly successful, safe, and simple method to altering a person’s beliefs, perceptions, and attitudes with results that change lives by leaps and bounds.

Developed by Gary Douglas over 20 years ago, access consciousness is currently used in therapeutic sessions by over 2000 licensed facilitators worldwide, ranging from beginner classes to private sessions.

The practice involves the relaxing use of a practitioner’s hands to locate and gently touch one or a number of the 32 specific “access bars” located in the head (particular points relate to areas containing certain ideas, beliefs and emotions). Advocates explain it’s a very relaxing process, relatable to a message or facial but targeting particular areas of the head.

The idea is that by gently touching assessed problem areas via these 32 points, access consciousness and the associated access bars in effect release the person’s inability to let go of unnecessary, undesired current or past ideas, beliefs, and emotions. Ones that often stifle people from attaining a higher-level of consciousness and after treatments, leaving users with a more purposeful sense of well-being for themselves and the world around them.

Access bar therapy is deemed safe and effective for all ages. Scientifically, it relates to the positive alteration of a person’s energy. Advocates also rave about the noticeable, marked improvement in a number of aspects in their personal lives: health, career and financial, stress reduction, relationships and even addiction recovery.

In effect, access bars are believed to reopen areas of headspace by releasing energy that were once occupying areas with past experiences, ideas and beliefs that hinder a person’s ability to be open to new possibilities, life choices, perceptions to ideas and ultimately: personal empowerment towards improved daily living and lifestyle.

In essence, access bars allow users to eliminate the preconceived limitations that were once prohibiting them from living the life they truly desired.

So, while acceptance of new therapeutic techniques has its early adopters and skeptics alike, 20 years of successful use coupled with growing popularity of access consciousness and access bars indicate this method is here to stay – forever positively changing lives in the process.

If freedom of choice, a better life, improved mental and spiritual health or avoiding the psychiatrist’s office and their prescribed chemicals don’t sound appealing or haven’t been effective, consider access consciousness and access bars as a safe, viable alternative on the road to an improved, happier self.