(Newswire.net — January 24, 2014) La Jolla, CA — Tony Robbins has become known world wide for his energetic and powerful motivational speeches which have helped people enhance their relationships, boost their health and energy, overcome fears, and even become more prospersous with their career or business.
However, when Tony began to venture into marketing his products and services online he went to the man who is considered today one of the most innovative marketers online through web, social media, and email. That man is none other than Frank Kern, one of the most respected internet marketers of our day, and by many considered a genius with his ahead of the curve online marketing strategies.
In this video Tony says to the camera about Frank, “He’s funny as hell, he’s a real guy. But he is also someone that will deliver for you and a man of total integrity. We’ve just gotten to know each other recently, he’s helped me out on a couple of projects and just some small insights that make a BIG difference. You probably already know that if you are one of his customers but I just wanted to give a shout out and thank him.”
From the video of Tony speaking about Frank Kern it’s easy to see his enthusiam about how Frank has helped him out. Not many people in the world can say they have got a “shout out” recommendation from Anthony Robbins, but Frank Kern is now on that very short list giving him even more credibility being a genius internet and video marketer.
Tony Robbins isn’t the only one that has been giving Frank Kern high marks. Just recently 3 of Frank’s clients gave him video testimonials explaining how he is not only a lot of fun to work with, but will also “help you make a lot of money.”
About: More information on Frank Kern consulting opportunities are avaialble at his official website http://FrankKern.com