Colon Cleanse Diet Review: Natural Acai Herbal Detox Cleanse Capsules

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( — February 11, 2014) Detroit, MI — Elite Gold Solutions, one of the leading health and supplement brands online, was recently reviewed as having the best supplement for colon cleanse diets, their natural acai herbal detox cleanse capsules. Users of Elite Gold Solution’s capsules noted weight loss, improved metabolism, and more energy when following the recommended colon cleanse diet laid out by health experts, which varies between three and seven days depending on the individual.

Colon cleanses and detoxes have become incredibly popular in recent years because of the publicity given by highly respected medical and health experts. Studies have shown that cleanses, whether annual, bi-annual, or even up to four times a year, improve the way the digestive system functions, giving the body an opportunity to cleanse itself of waste while increasing its ability to better absorb the nutrients it needs. When the colon is cleansed toxins and bacteria are not given the opportunity to be released into the body through the colon walls. In fact, a clean colon only allows water and essential vitamins and nutrients to go into the bloodstream.

Acai berries, a featured ingredient in many colon cleanse capsules, naturally help to detoxify the body by flushing out toxins and reducing bloating in the gut. The berries, often referred to as a “super food”, are also proven to boost a person’s activity level, which results in a revved metabolism and, therefore, potential weight loss.


Most people who regularly cleanse their colon with acai-based products not only see results in weight loss because of clear intestines and improved metabolism, but also note a dramatic spike in energy levels. Experts attribute this boost of energy to the energy that is saved from the body no longer having to focus on pushing large amounts of waste through the intestines. When this energy is freed by no longer being used solely for waste removal, the body can use it in other ways – the result often being more energy.




Customers can find the Total Colon Cleanse and Detox System on Amazon Now.








Media Contact:

Brandon Schoen (Project manager)

Elite Gold Solutions

4801 Lang Ave Ne Suite 110
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87109
