Underground Storage Tank Removal for Massachusetts Homeowners

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(Newswire.net — February 20, 2014) Wakefield, MA — 

Regulations governing the installation or removal of storage tanks are continuing to evolve in Massachusetts. In 1995 the EPA transferred enforcement of regulations of underground storage tanks to the individual States. Massachusetts has instituted a comprehensive program for regulating tanks located in residential or commercial sites. Most municipalities have an additional set of guidelines and procedures for tank removal that complement the State regulations.  The authority to enforce these guidelines and procedures rests with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The transfer of regulation enforcement has caused underground storage tank regulations in Massachusetts to quadruple and more legislation is expected to take effect in the coming years to prevent damage to the State’s environment. The majority of the additional regulations are for management and administration of commercial sites , in addition to the required certification for owner/operators. Residential sites are required to follow all local regulations and guidelines.


Comm Tank, Inc. (http://www.commtank.com) of Wakefield, MA, a professional underground tank removal company wants to make homeowners and businesses aware that a “major updating of the regulations governing underground storage tanks (UST) has been proposed for Massachusetts UST owner operators and can be reviewed at http://www.mass.gov/eea/docs/dep/service/regulations/proposed/ust14dreg.pdf.”  These proposed guidelines are for industrial sized commercial sites. Residence underground storage tanks are determined to be considered as consumptive and are not included in these updates. Consumptive use is generally defined as heating oil tanks that are connected to a boiler or furnace and are used to heat a residence or business. Consumptive UST’s of less than 1100 gallons are also exempt from all requirements of 310 CMR 80.00 except for standards for tanks in CMR 310. 80.31.(3) and release/threat of release  response, reporting and remediation requirements at CMR 310 80.58. Some Massachusetts communities may still have some programs for assistance with the removal of underground tanks . These local programs should be explored for any possible financial relief or loans for which the homeowner may be considered as an applicant.


A Comm Tank, Inc. (www.commtank.com) representative advises that “having a comprehensive and detailed tank removal plan will save time and money.”  Begin the plan with contacting your local city or county authorities. In some communities the Fire Department must be notified so a representative will be present for the removal process. The Fire Department issues permits for the removal of the underground storage tank, pipelines and disposal of any hazardous materials. They must be notified 24 hours prior to the removal date.  Procedures for removal must be in full compliance with MGL Chapter 48 Sec 38A, 527 CMR 9.00 502 CMR 3.00 and 310 CMR 9.00. Additional forms may be necessary such as a notification for Dig Safe and a copy of the appropriate Massachusetts Dept of Environmental Protection  Hazardous Waste Manifest if applicable to the situation. Some municipalities may manage some functions for removal through the Board of Health. Although the list of procedures is generally similar to those of other cities and towns, it is important to check your town’s specific guidelines.


The disposal of the tanks’ contents and the tank are the owner’s responsibility. The tank’s contents and any residue are considered hazardous waste and are to be removed from the site prior to removing the tank. All content is to be safely transferred into the custody of a licensed hazardous waste or fuel oil transportation company. Depending on the municipality’s guidelines,  the tank will be taken to an approved tank yard and may be cleaned for recycling or scrap, or remain intact.


The process of underground tank removal is best handled by a professional excavating company.  They will obtain all permits and comply with the regulations and guidelines. A representative of the disposal tank yard will issue a receipt for the tank.  In the event of any environmental damage, a professional excavating company will be knowledgeable of any additional regulations that apply and work with both the homeowner and environmental protection agencies throughout the remediation.

Comm Tank

84 New Salem St
Wakefield, MA 01880
