Enhances All Guided Meditation mp3 Tracks

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( — March 8, 2014) Osaka-shi, OSAKA-FU — Every guided meditation mp3 track available at has been refreshed, revitalised and enhanced. This has been done so as to bring meditation practitioners, both those beginning and those more seasoned, an ever more enriched experience.


Every track has been re-recorded, incorporating changes developed to aid with beautiful evolutions for those using them. The fresh recordings come with revitalised inspiration which will bring those using them greater results than previously were possible.


The recordings have all been rematched with fresh musical accompaniment to further enhance the experience gained whilst meditating with them. The addition of specially acquired music brings an added dimension that was previously missing, and something which was always wished as present within them.


This merging of high quality music and meditation guidance facilitates an ever deeper meditative and relaxing experience for all users. All existing customers have been sent links so that they can acquire the updated versions of their guided meditations for free, along with an additional bonus mp3 track as a gift.


The 15 tracks including the popular Mindfulness and Vipassana meditation tracks, along with the various chakra meditations and other tracks have all been re-released via the website again. Whilst the free 15 minute breathing meditation has also been updated re-released on the site, it has also been made available via Youtube, enabling greater accessibility for all.


The update comes as from the sites ethos, bringing people the quality guided meditations in order for them to achieve the greatest results with what they seek in life. The site was founded on the desire to aid people in being able to meditate easily and enjoyably. As such when the opportunity exists to elevate to overall quality of what is being made available it is taken.


The new meditations should be heard in order to truly grasp what they now offer anyone wishing to relax and meditate, the on page mp3 samples make it easy for people to gauge exactly what they will gain from using each track. is proud to be generating the highest quality guided meditation experience possible and will long continue to do so.


Meditation mp3

Nishimiyahara 2-7-45-904
Osaka-shi, OSAKA-FU 5320004