Lyme Disease Reversal Breakthrough

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( — May 18, 2014) Moose Lake, Mn — Does Brain Fog, Zapped Energy, Can’t Move, Unexplained Rashes & Fevers, Stolen Desire, or Debilitating Pain keep you or your loved one from an abundant life?


You can overcome this and be healthy and vibrant once again. When you see the lame walk and the dead in spirit rise to life again you will believe it.


How would you like to feel good again? You can. There is no reason why Lyme Disease has to keep you sick forever.


And the reason why you aren’t getting well is not what you think. The knowledge is there – the question is will you believe it?


Mark Twain once said “It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.”


Research published in the New England Journal of Medicine and the Journal of the American Medical Association show why we are sick. Studies prove that financial incentives outweigh science in the treatment of our ailments. 40% of studies around the world, and up to 70% from the USA are twisted to publish results that are contrary to their obvious outcomes. And doctors graduate completely unprepared to treat today’s chronic disease.


When you realize that the conventional treatment of Lyme Disease was established 7 years before the cause of the disease was known, you can see why so many remain ill today.  


And many of the tests used to diagnose the disease are less than 20% accurate. 2 out of some 300 known varieties of Lyme bacteria are used for testing. Some tests of the co-infections Ehrlichia and Ricketsia are only accurate in the first week or two of infection.  


We all have bodies that are designed to have certain processes that occur in a set of sequences. Science and physiology that govern these sequences must be in harmony for the body to heal.


It doesn’t make sense to sacrifice one area of the body and make it worse to heal some other targeted area of the body.


Treatments commonly used for Lyme kill the natural healthy bacteria in your gut. This has been shown to lead to the overgrowth of a host of very unhealthy bugs in your gut. The result is leaky gut and toxic bowel, overwhelming your liver with toxins.


The liver is too overwhelmed to deal with the toxins of the Lyme so you get sicker.

NSAIDS such as Tylenol shut your liver down so that you can’t clear the toxins. The toxins then hide in your fat stores.


The result is toxic fat making inflammation that causes auto immune responses in your body. And that is just a small part of the nightmare that is started.


Studies show that the uses of natural products are as effective as antibiotics. And they promote healing of your different organs.


Using a different form of testing, and using physiology and science, you can heal from this nightmare of Lyme.  

About Family Chiropractic

With 25 years of post graduate study and practice in clinical nutrition, Dr. Montagne has a lot of experience. Here he expands his work with toxicity, gut health, candida, cancer and more to offer health to Lyme sufferers.

Family Chiropractic

501 N. Arrowhead Ln.
Moose Lake, Mn 55767

218 485-4451