New Book: College Students Have Bought Into ‘Lie’ About Debt, Education

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( — August 26, 2014) Thomson, Illinois — College graduates who accumulate thousands of dollars in student loan debt are worse off not just financially but also in other areas of life such as their health, according to new Gallup research.


The Gallup study of 29,000 college graduates was released this month as students head back to school and as a new book, “Secret College Loopholes,” offers solutions to America’s student debt crisis.


The poll found that:


— Only 40 percent of graduates with $25,001 or more in student debt said they liked what they do and are “motivated to achieve” their goals, compared to 49 percent of those with no debt who answered the same.


— Only 24 percent of graduates with more than $50,000 in debt said they had good health and enough energy to gets tasks done each day. Thirty-four percent of graduates with no debt answered similarly.


— Only 26 percent of graduates with debt between $25,001 and $50,000 said they were managing their finances well enough to “reduce stress” and increase financial security. Among those with no debt, it was 40 percent.


The new book, “Secret College Loopholes: No B.S. Ways To Get Through College With Very Little Money,” says college students have bought into the “lie” that they must attend a name-brand, four-year college in order to be successful. It also says students can get a degree for far, far less, if they know which steps to take.


The book claims to turn “everything you thought you knew about college on its head,” and it includes examples of students who did not follow the traditional path and still found their desired job. It also makes clear it’s not referencing so-called “diploma mills.”

Most employers, the book says, don’t care which college you’ve attended, as long as you can prove to them you can do the job.


For more information about “Secret College Loopholes,” click here, or call 877-327-0365.

Solutions From Science

2200 Illinois Route 84
Thomson, Illinois United States 61285