The Importance Of Slowing Time Down For Personal Goal Setting To Avoid Stress

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( — October 1, 2014) Steyning, West Sussex — 


College and higher education can be considered as a transition between childhood and adulthood. It is the time when interests may begin to change, and making more adult decisions finally becomes a reality. With all the different changes that come with becoming an adult, we are left with finding ways to improve ourselves in order to avoid stress, but one proposed idea by Andy Shaw is to just find more time in the day.



Mr Shaw is saying that with the older we become, the more we should be trying to better ourselves. In a recent interview he said… “Firstly, we need to be setting both long and short-term goals. It is so important to surround ourselves with positive people, as well as changing our eating habits, and taking responsibility for ourselves, but it is also important to be grateful for the opportunities we have for improving our overall life experience. Goals and expectations can often become confusing, but Andy says that there is a dividing line between them. He explained that goals are just achievements with aspirations people desire to accomplish, for example, aspiring to make an A in French is just a goal, whereas expectations are far more stressful, for example, to expect an A in French, but not make it, will just cause disappointment.


International speaker Andy Shaw says there’s no point in setting goals if you can’t find more time in the day to realize them, so that is where our goal setting journey should begin. He said… “People need more time to get more things done, right? We can all see how each year seems to go by faster and faster, then we seem to have less and less time to do stuff. By the time we reach 40, a little thought would have been given to the fact that we seem to be dashing here and there, until it dawns on us that we are actually racing and rushing our way to our own grave!”


Shaw says that by just using our mind power, we can slow down time to really achieve goals and avoid stress. He explained… “Whether we are awake or asleep, time will pass at the same speed, right? Well, people who are successful all know that their future success is created in their mind, when they slow down and use it correctly. Our lifetime is passing fast simply because we just aren’t aware of the passage of the time, as we are sleeping through more and more of it as we get older!”


Andy concluded by saying that the answer for slowing our life down, for doing more and for feeling more self-satisfaction is to have the ability to not be asleep during the day. He explained… “I don’t mean closing your eyes asleep, I mean eyes open but without experiencing what you’re doing, which I have termed the waking sleep of the human race. But then when you have to actually do something it’s always in a rush or in high stress mode, so I personally don’t do rushing PERIOD! I always say NO to deadlines…


Why Rush? To die sooner? All the steps for raising our mind power to a level where success can be easily accessed can be read in the first 5 chapters of my book Creating A Bug Free Mind. The time has come to stop sitting on the sidelines, and to take all that mind power to a whole new different level.



