How To Prevent Chronic Inflammation

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( — October 23, 2014)  — Preventable inflammation is a major contributor to many of the leading causes of illness, inflammatory diseases,  and early death; this includes heart disease, obesity, diabetes, metabolic syndrome and even kidney disease.  The new article and video review from the health experts at describe how to preventchronic inflammation by supplementing with krill oil and by following an anti inflammatory diet for as little as two weeks.

 Often confused as a dangerous condition in any form, normal inflammation is actually a natural immune system response that aids in keeping the body from being damaged by bacteria, viruses, foreign bodies, and other pathogens.  

 However, many factors, including processed foods, food allergies, air pollution, water pollution, and even stress cause the body to produce and release excess amounts of inflammation causing white blood cells and other natural chemicals.  Over time, these white blood cells can actually begin attacking important organs and systems in the body; making the body more susceptible to significant health issues, including several diseases, joint pain, muscle pain, and joint inflammation.

 The omega-3 compounds found in krill oil, specifically DHA and EPA, act quickly to protect the body against the harmful effects of inflammation.  Among the many health benefits of krill oil are the ability to protect the brain from age-related inflammation, improve muscle and joint inflammation, and increased protection from increased blood sugar levels.

 In addition, and unlike other sources of omega-3 like fish oil, krill oil is a natural source of the powerful antioxidant astaxanthin. When combined with the DHA and EPA in krill oil, astaxanthin acts as a powerful protectant against damage caused by free radicals and natural oxidation and other causes of inflammation.

 While there are many sources of Omega-3, research is now showing that the natural makeup of krill oil makes it more favorable for absorption within the body.  Specifically, the naturally occurring compounds in krill oil, known as resolvins and protectins, keep inflammation from damaging the tissue and systems of the body; making krill oil a viable inflammation treatment option.

 Supplementing with pure krill oil has been estimated to lower the risk of death from inflammation related illness by nearly 45%.  A complete explanation of how krill oil prevents chronic inflammation can be found in the new article and video titled How To Prevent Chronic Inflammation With Krill Oil.

Leading health experts from the American Heart Association and the World Health Association suggest taking at least 500 mg of omega 3 each day to reduce or prevent chronic inflammation.  Specifically, it is recommended that the majority of the 500 mgs come from a high quality source of EPA and DHA, like that found in krill oil.  

The complete article and video can be found on  For a limited time, Health News Wires is also offering free access to an e-book titled the 15 Foods That Damage



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