Racist Star Wars Fans Threaten Black Stormtrooper

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(Newswire.net — December 4, 2014)  — It is hard to believe that someone who enjoys seeing a variety of species from the ‘galaxy far away’ would have a problem with seeing a fellow human because of the color of his skin. Yet a few so-called fans of the Star Wars franchise criticized the producers’ decision to put a black actor in one of the leading roles. Some of the ‘fans’ even posted death threats and racisist messages.

Actor John Boyega plays one of the leading roles in the latest installment of the series. He is featured in the trailer of long awaited sequel to the most successful Sci-Fi saga ever. That, however, irritated those fans who probably expected to see Mark Hamill, Carry Fisher and Harrison Ford.

Some fans just could not get over the fact that Boyega, who is black, was cast to play the leading role of a stormtrooper.

However, that is not where the barage stops – since the release of the trailer, the new light saber designed to look like Christian medieval sword raised unnecessary debates whether it carries a hidden message.

Nonetheless, to post an opinion is one thing and to publically threat an actor for accepting the role has less to do with defending the saga, and more to do with plain old racism.

The actor John Boyega received hate mail, death threats and ugly comments about not having the “right” color of the sking for this role. Some people posted comments saying they had nothing against the actor, but they would rather see him play in Django Unchained than to see him dressed like an Imperial Soldier in a film of this magnitude.

According to hitfix.com, Boyega didn’t give much creedence to these criticisms. He thanked his supporters for their fan mail and fan art.

“Thank you for all the love and support! The fan mail and fan art has added to my joy! Isn’t it crazy that Star Wars is actually happening? I’m in the movie but as a star wars fan I am very excited. A year is a long time but it will be worth the wait,” Boyega posted online.

He added “To whom it may concern… Get used to it. :),” as a respond to haters.

When it comes to race, Hollywood has been a huge part of the problem. Star Wars creator George Lucas said Hollywood studios refused to back his 2012 film “Red Tails” – about World War II’s Tuskegee Airmen – because the cast was all Black.

When Lucas, who worked on this film for 23 years went to a studio ready to shot they blatantly refused to back the project.

“I showed it to all of them and they said, ‘No. We don’t know how to market a movie like this,’” Lucas told Jon Stewart on Comedy Central’s “Daily Show”.

When Stewart asked why, Lucas first responded, “Because it’s not green enough. They only release green movies.” The filmmaker then clarified, “It’s because it’s an all-black movie. There are no major white roles in it at all. It’s one of the first all-black action pictures ever made.”