Baby Car Shade Reviewed and Recommended by Sweet Cheeks Adventures Blog

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( — January 28, 2015) Sanford, Florida — The Baby Car Shade blocks out 97 percent of harmful UV rays and at cooling the temperature inside a vehicle. The was supported by Ashley Gill, the mother of two and blogger behind ‘Sweet Cheeks Adventures’.

In a review of the product on the blog, Gill tells her readers about the experience she has had with her own children suffering the adverse effects of too much sunlight through the car window. She wrote : “When you have a Little, you don’t want to have to worry about them baking in the sun. Driving down the road, I can remember so many times that Cooper and Ally would be crying because the sun was in their eyes. We tried to use the window shades that attach with suction cups. These always fell down. I have a new solution to that problem!”
After a picture she personally took of the item, Gill went on to endorse the Baby Car Shade, highlighting what may be the product’s biggest selling point – the absence of suction cups. Baby Car Shade applies directly to car windows and sticks using the power of static electricity. Baby Car states in their advertisements “the hotter the sun, the firmer it absorbs”. This method of application is easy according to Gill who wrote: “This is so easy to install! The only thing I’d recommend is to make sure your window is clean so the static electricity can do its magic with your window.  Also, if you have a Little like my Cooper, teach him to leave it alone once its on.  It isn’t terribly easy to take off, but little boys can’t seem to keep their hands to themselves, right?”

It is also noted in the review that Baby Car shade has a YouTube video about how to properly install the shade in a car with which she says one “can’t go wrong”. Any discriminating parent who wants the very best Baby Car Shade for their child, who would like to hear what others think about the product, can read her full review on They may also read the product’s reviews on where the product is currently sold, for more evidence that the Baby Car Shade may be exactly the type of easy-to-install, protective shade they have been looking for.