Sarah Palin Suggests How the US Should Deal With ISIS

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( — February 27, 2015)  — Former GOP VP nominee Sarah Palin blamed the Obama administration for the rise of ISIS in the Middle East. In an emotional speech about American war veterans, the former Alaska governor seized the opportunity to critique Obama’s administration.

In the speech in National Harbor, Maryland, Palin accused Obama of failing to destroy Islamic State militants and for the rise of the Islamic State in Iraq, because he pulled American troops out of the country.  

“The rise of ISIS is the direct result of this administration’s refusal to heed that warning,” Palin said. “The Middle East is a tinderbox and it’s coming apart at the seams…as ISIS expands, it takes back land we just spilled blood to secure.

Palin blamed Obama for the casualties that died in vain in Iraq and in the Afghanistan because the situation in the Middle East is now worse than ever.

“Did we actually win in Iraq and Afghanistan before we waved that white flag? The jury is still out. But when evil Islamic terrorists are on the march screaming ‘Allahu Akbar’ from Syria to Iraq to Libya and Yemen and the streets of Paris, well it doesn’t look like victory,” she added.

Palin criticized Obama’s conciliatory comments calling on him not to equate Islam with terrorism.

“Lecturing Christians to get off our high horse about radical Islam won’t stop the Islamists from killing Christians,” Palin said. “Stop blaming the victim and wake up, Mr. President. While Christians bow their heads to pray for you, radical Islamists want to cut off your head,” she said in a speech.

Referring to recent comments by State Department representative Marie Harf, who said that the US could not beat Islamists simply by killing them, Palin took completely opposite stand.

“They say we can’t kill our way out of war,” Palin said. “Really? Tell that to the Nazis. Oh wait, you can’t because they’re dead. We killed them,” she said.