Think and Be Rich With CEO Space Instructor Sharon Lechter

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( — March 28, 2015) Tampa Bay, FL — If all of us could take one or two cues from Sharon Lechter’s financial literacy program, our financial futures can be better off than what it is today.


Sharon Lechter is an expert that cannot be ignored when it comes to the business of money and all it’s intricacies. She is a Chartered Global Management Accountant, a CPA, business woman extraordinaire. She is an international speaker, an educator, an author, a philanthropist and an investor with a superb understanding of money and it’s management.

She has been quoted to have said ‘money is a life skill, we must teach our young people the skills; both scholastic and financial that they need to not only survive but to thrive in the world’

She believes making and managing money to thrive is a skill that has to be taught to people. She is very passionate about teaching the young ones and women financial literacy to be able to have full understanding of how to be financially successful and make their money work for them instead of working strenuously to make the money.

She is the creator of the Pay Your Family First; a financial education program for the young and upcoming adults with different resources and materials to help in understanding how to make money.

She has created a number of board games, kits, and different resource guides to make it easier to grasp the basics of money management. Youths and children are taught financial skills by placing them in real life money decisions making in situations like purchasing a car, buying or starting a business, using credit cards and giving to charity through these games and a number of best sellers she has authored or coauthored.

Some of the basic tenets she teaches are; the importance of persistence in achieving one’s goals, choosing good counsel, finding one’s own formula for success and not giving up no matter what.

Sharon Lechter has proven with the various programs, books, kits, resources she uses to educate the public and by her own success story that her strategies do work if we all can think and be rich like her.

About CEO Space Intertnational

Berny Dohrmann founded CEO Space International more than 25 years ago. Mr. Dohrmann has embraced his vision for entrepreneurial collaboration by giving prospective business leaders the tools and education they need to succeed.

CEO Space Intertnational

12 Main Street
Tampa Bay, FL United States 33309

714 886 9236