CA Town Fighting Drought With Skydrop Sprinkler Controller

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( — May 31, 2015) Lehi, UT — Yucaipa, a small town in southern California’s San Bernardino County, just took a bold step in confronting this season’s impending drought. During the Yucaipa Valley Water District Board (YVWDB) meeting on May 6th, board members unanimously voted and approved the initial purchase and distribution of 1,500 Skydrop Smart Sprinkler Controllers to any qualified Yucaipa homeowner. YVWDB Manager, Joseph Zoba, noted that the Skydrop Smart Sprinkler Controller will not only help the board hit their water reduction goal, but the controller will be instrumental in helping residents keep their yards healthy and green. 

By offering Yucaipa homeowners a credit for Skydrop Controllers, the YVWDB expects to reach their goal of a 36% reduction in water usage, a benchmark established by California’s State Water Resources Control Board. Zoba is working with Skydrop to schedule an informational meeting with the Yucaipa community in late May or early June to brief homeowners on maximizing their new Smart Sprinkling Controllers. 
More great news for Yucaipa homeowners is that installation and setup are super easy. New owners follow a series of questions that start with zip code and WiFi and end with questions about types of vegetation, water restrictions, soil, sprinkler type, slope, and shade coverage. In almost no time at all, the controller is online, continuously gathering weather data, automatically watering like a master gardener, and cutting water usage up to 50% — all while promoting healthy root growth. Bret Cloward, CEO of Skydrop, had this to say about the exciting new partnership,
“We greatly appreciate the vision of Yucaipa’s leadership. They see the short and long term benefits of our controller in helping them significantly cut water usage and maintain healthy landscapes throughout their town. Skydrop will do everything we can to help them accomplish their reduction goals. My prediction is that towns and cities all across America will soon be looking at Yucaipa as the benchmark in how to smartly tackle outdoor water conservation.” 
The Skydrop controller not only conserves huge amounts of water, money and time but it’s changing up the discussion about technology’s place in conservation efforts by proving that a simple, well-executed idea can have an enormous impact.


About Skydrop

Skydrop was founded by a group of passionate and innovative technologists and professional landscapers who knew the world needed something better than the status quo of archaic, inflexible sprinkler timers. The skydrop™ smart sprinkler controller won a 2014 Utah Innovation Award for outdoor and consumer products, recently given an Editor’s Choice Award by PC Mag and called one of the top seven life changing products by home improvement guru, Bob Vila. The Skydrop Controller is EPA WaterSense Certified and available in stores throughout the country including Lowe’s or online at, and


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Suite 303
Lehi, UT 84043
United States