65 Killed in Terrorists Attacks on Three Continents

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(Newswire.net — March 6, 2017) — In an event that media now dubbed ‘Bloody Friday,’ dozens have been killed in three separate torrorist attacks in three countries – France, Tunisia and Kuwait. In Kuwait, at least 27 people were killed in suicide bombing at the Shiite-affiliated Imam Sadiq mosque.

After an attack at a US Gas Company outside Lion, France, which resulted in killing of one, and an arrest of another terrorist, the police found a beheaded body of a French worker. His head was later found stuck on the plant fence, and covered with Arabic writings.

The same day, dozens of foreign tourists were killed in an attack at Tunisian beach resort. Reportedly, 39 people were killed and 36 more wounded in the attack by jihadist who opened fire at the Riu Imperial Hotel in a town called Sousse, south of Tunisian capitol. Witnesses reported that the massacre started when a Tunisian student, who worked at the beach, pulled an AK 47 automated rifle out of a folded umbrella and start spraying bullets toward tourists relaxing on the beach.

“We were on the beach, my sons were in the sea and I just got out of the sea. It was about 12 o’clock and I just looked up about 500 metres from me and I saw a (hot air) balloon collapse down, then rapid firing. Then I saw two of the people, who were going to go up in the balloon, start to run towards me,” Tourist from Dublin, told RTE radio. She admits that, at first, she thought it was just the fireworks.

Then she saw people running towards her, and waiters at the beach shouting “run, run, run!” She grabbed her kids from the water and after reaching the hotel, she ran into her bungalow, she explained. 

Elizabeth O’Brien from Dublin told RTE that the Irish consul in Madrid, Spain, called her to say it was a terrorist attack in the hotel next door and told her to stay where she was.

One tourist from Serbia told a CNN affiliate TV station, N1 News, he believed the choice of a hotel to attack wasn’t random. He explained that the attack happened at the neighboring hotel which is more expensive, therefore more likely to be full of tourists from western countries, mostly from UK.  

A security source at the scene said the body of one gunman armed with a Kalashnikov assault rifle lay where police shot him dead. It was unclear whether there were other assailants.

It remaines unclear if the attacks in Tunisia, France and Kuwait were coordinated; however, they had came after ISIS called out to all Muslims in the eve of Bairam, to attack all infidels and Shiites.