The Culture of Suing: Who’s to Blame for the Personal Injury Lawsuits?

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( — August 11, 2015) — One of the most dreaded situations that any individual and company would like to face is being involved in a lawsuit. This is a painful and stressful event that can consume your time and money as well. In some worst cases, it can even drain all the energy from you that will affect your daily activities. So why then are there still people who file lawsuits? Simple answer, you get to fight for your right and claim a loss.

There are different types of claims and lawsuits that an individual can file. One of the common ones is related to personal injury. When defining personal injury, according to Black’s Law Dictionary, 5th Edition it is defined as “In a narrow sense, a hurt or damage done to a man’s person, such as a cut or bruise, a broken limb, or the like, as distinguished from an injury to his property or his reputation. The phrase is chiefly used in this connection with actions of tort for negligence and under worker’s compensation statutes…”

As shared, you will notice that personal injury does not involve the other damages yet that can equate to the amount that the other party involved needs to pay. This is why as much as possible, people avoid undergoing these legal cases and just do away with the procedures. However, taking up a personal injury lawsuit and suing the other party can be of good purpose if you have been dramatically affected.

There are points when a person’s daily activity and even professional job will be affected by such accidents. At this point, there will be no other choice but fight the legal way. As quoted from the Personal Injury By the Numbers — Relevant Statistics published post, “According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), six million car collisions occur in the United States annually, averaging one accident every 10 seconds. These accidents lead to three million injuries every year ¾ two-thirds of which are permanent ¾ and about 40,000 deaths.”

This is a shocking number since the government has been working tough to provide the best safety for all motorists and travelers. Another statistic found here said, “About 125,000 collisions involving trucks occur in the United States every year, according to data from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA). The result is 60,000 injuries and 5,000 subsequent fatalities.”

Now take note that these are just two types of personal injuries that occur all over the world. There are still countless occurrences that can cause a person’s accident – whether it be by negligence or intentional.

So then Chris Gayling has a point to say on the post published at The Daily Mail entitled “TV Blamed for Personal Injury Suits.” He has shared his sentiments and understanding that, “Many of those 30% increase in claims are no doubt valid ones, but at least part of that rise has to be attributed to an increase in the litigious climate spurred on as I say by personal injury firms quick to cash on by advertising their services on television and radio, through unsolicited and often deeply irritating and upsetting telephone calls, through posters on buses and other techniques and marketing.”

With this claim, Mr. Gayling believes that it is because of too much advertisements that people tend to go for personal injury lawsuits. However, from the point of view of personal injury lawyer Daniel A. Gibalevich, each personal injury case has its right to be sought out and reviewed. After all, it is the person whose been hurt that requires attention, care, and the right amount of fees that he deserve for being personally damaged – excluding his properties of course