Children Here Comes Healthy Breakfast

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( — November 19, 2015) — As it very often happens, pre-school children and school children try very hard not to eat healthy food, in spite of their parents’ guidance in the opposite direction. Certain collected data from all over the world has produced considerable evidence of the connection between eating a healthy breakfast consisting of cereal or fruit and doing well at school. It is deduced that if kids eat properly first thing in the morning and intake some quality food, this has a huge impact on doing activities in kindergarten or getting better grades at school. They are in a better mood, more motivated for work and definitely perform better.

Many schools nowadays have started offering their students breakfast, and it was found that compared to children who had no breakfast at all, those who had breakfast performed above average, even up to 100 per cent higher if they had any kind of breakfast. Dr Graham Moore said: “There is reason to believe that where schools are able to find ways of encouraging those young people who don’t eat breakfast at home to eat a school breakfast, they will reap educational benefits”. Nutritionists also mention concentration, as the one of the most important factors in connection to healthy diet. It can be considered logical, since we all know how cranky, tired and uneasy we can be when we wake up in the morning and don’t eat anything for some time.

It is not only a matter of eating and performance. Discipline in schools is better, students have better relationships with their friends and teachers, and even bullying can be reduced that way, because there are children who will make trouble just because they are hungry. This would, of course, require of schools to go a little deeper into the social status of their students, but if that reduced or completely eradicated bullying from schools, it would pay off.

If children start taking care of their diet in their early years, with the help of adults, of course, it seems likely that future generations will have less work to do in that field, they will move from healthy breakfast to lunch and eventually, one should hope that we won’t have to use the word “healthy” ever again, at least when it comes to food it should go without saying.

It cannot be achieved unless something is changed in food production and food companies, too. As long as junk food is promoted and pushed on the market, it will be difficult to influence people, especially children who imitate their parents. But, we have to start from somewhere, so let it be breakfast.