We Will not Freeze but We Will be More Than Suntanned

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(Newswire.net — November 25, 2015) –A week before a climate change conference in Paris, the year 2015 is likely to become the hottest year recorded so far. It seems that the figures are bad enough even before the end of this year. The reports on droughts, ocean rise and overall heat prove that these phenomena exceeded records from any of the previous years. Global average surface temperature has reached “the symbolic and significant milestone of 1 degree Celcius and the threshold will probably be crossed”- said Michel Jarraud, WMO”s secretary general.

The scientists do not want to draw any conclusions yet, since the year is not over, but they will present some preliminary results at the Paris conference anyway, hoping that everyone will find them more alarming than ever. So far, it is observed that the oceans have absorbed more energy in the climate system than  in the past, sea levels are constantly rising as well as the temperature at greater depths.

The majority of land areas have been warmer this year than ever. For example, China suffered immensely from the heat this year, from January to October and so did certain parts of all continents. The greatest number of casualties were recorded in India and Pakistan, more than 4500 people died in both countries because of the enormous temperatures that rose up to 49 degrees Celcius. Due to sudden and unexpected heat waves it is predicted that the probability of heat waves will have increased tenfold. If we add El Nino, being at its strongest this year, with grim prognosis of its gaining on strength even more, it is obvious that the global climate is undergoing a severe change.

So is there anything that can be done to prevent our planet from scorching? It appears that people are the biggest factor in creating these circumstances on the planet (as usual) and if the countries that take part in the conference do not reach an agreement in order  to reduce greenhouse gas emissions we will not be able to limit the change of the climate in the quantity that would be bearable for the planet. If people do not come to their senses and do everything they can not to contribute to the destruction of our dwelling place, we will not hear any good news for a long time. We will hear no news at all.