Britain Set to Leave the EU but Not Without Consequences

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(— June 24, 2016) — London, UK — After an exhausting referendum campaign that divided Brits between those who see themselves as part of a greater good and those in fear of losing their national integrity, Britain voted to leave the European Union.

“The dawn is breaking on an independent United Kingdom,” said Nigel Farage, leader of the U.K. Independence Party,  the Washington Post reports. “Let June 23 go down in our history as our independence day!

While eurosceptics and England nationalists are openly campaigning, the pro-EU side fears that this is the beginning of a major collapse that will not happen immediately, but over time. They fear that years to come will show exactly how wrong this decision was and there will be no going back.

Leaving the EU is a process much shorter than joining, however, it can still take a few years. Before that happens, Scotland will most likely decide to leave Great Britain in a new referendum that was announced in the case of Britain leaving the EU.

The Scottish have pointed out that one of the major reason they voted to stay in Britain was because of the media spin that said their leaving would mean they would leave the EU, and now they feel betrayed.

The European Union was started to bring about continental unity and was designed half a century ago over the ashes of WWII to prevent World War III by building bridges instead walls. Now, as Britain draws a line of separation across the English Channel, no one really knows what will happen next. However, the morning after has pointed out that the economy will take the first blows, then politics later.

What is certain is that the vote results put an end to the British Prime Ministers political career and new elections are ‘afoot’, and that the British currency suffered one of its biggest one-day falls in history, plunging more than 10 percent in six hours, from about $1.50 to below $1.35.

Experts agree that the fall of the pound raises a reasonable concern that Brexit will undermine London’s position as a global financial center.

As the consequences are already starting to pile up, most Europeans are asking why Britain decided to vote in the first place, since it had the most benefits of all the EU members, special trade benefits and were not part of the eurozone, also know as the euro area, which means they preserved the pound as a national currency.

So why of all countries that actually suffer as EU members like Greece, Italy or Spain, are the Brits, who are the most privileged, ‘fighting for independence’?

History teaches us that nothing of this magnitude happens by chance. It is always more the result of a greater plan yet to come than a reaction to what has happened in the past, although analysts agree that the war in Syria and the refugee crisis in the EU was a major contributor for the to vote to leave the EU.

Economy experts agree that Brexit is going to bring far more financial problems, with political and social to follow for Britian, than the EU economy will suffer. It is hard to believe, but not impossible, that what we are seeing now is a result of a fight for power in Britain.

One thing, however, is certain. Brexit is a world game changer.

Although some geo political analysts say that Brexit steers a wheel of destiny towards uncharted waters, others claim the move is actually familiar and the world should brace for impact.

The European Union is the world’s biggest economy and the U.K.’s most important trading partner, accounting for 45 percent of exports and 53 percent of imports. In years to come, this ratio will certainly change, and with Scotland now planning to separate, the move may turn Britain from a world leader to the greatest loser.