South NJ Rheumatologist Dr. Halko Launches New Website

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( — January 26, 2017) Mays Landing, NJ — This year, Dr. Halko’s professional website was completley overhauled and relaunched to give visitors and patients more of a reason to visit the website. Many helpful features and functions were added, including resources for current and new patients such as printable forms. Frequently asked questions were answered by Dr. Halko and posted up on the website. Patient testimonials were published for others to read. A blog is underway, and the written content on his web pages is keyword optimized for search engines. Last but not least, the new website for Dr. Halko is completely responsive and mobile friendly.

Dr. George Halko is a tech expert in the medical field, but he is not particularly active on websites and social media. This southern New Jersey-based professional spends his time helping patients who are suffering with arthritis and joint pain. As a experienced rheumatologist, Dr. Halko understands that arthritic joint pain is a symptom of a problem- a problem that is invisible to the naked eye. Treating the problem will help to alleviate pain and medical intervention may even reverse the condition. It takes a specialist to be able to identify the cause of the pain and to know how to treat it.

In the same way, Sam Natello of DotCom Global Media was able to meet with Dr. Halko and listen to his concerns about his online presence. There was an alarming lack of traffic on the previous website, and the visual design was not at all reflective of Dr. Halko’s modern rheumatology practice. Sam evaluated the situation, talked with Dr. Halko to discuss “treatment options” and together they worked out a strategy and developed a new website design.

While Dr. George Halko’s rheumatology-focused website is still new, it can be hard to accurately compare the traffic patterns to the old site; but it has already become clear that the new website design is performing better in Google than the previous one. This new website has a better Google trust score and is attracting a higher number of visitors now that there is optimized content on the website.

“The numbers aren’t bad at all,” confirmed Sam Natello. “Once the blog goes live, these analytics are going to spike and we will really be able to track the terms and content that are getting the most action.”

Now that the new website has launched, people suffering with joint pain or living with arthritis can easily find accurate information about various arthritic conditions, especially rheumatoid arthritis. Locals can get reliable information straight from a specialist and become knowledgeable about general treament options before visiting Dr. Halko’s office. The website is easy to use and mobile users can access this information and easily contact Dr. Halko when they’re on the go.

Dr. Halko is happy with his new website, and the DotCom Global Media team is engaged with building up the content on the website and launching the blog. This project was a great parnership between a doctor who can identify pain points and look for solutions, and a team of website design and digital marketing experts that know how to get things done on the web.

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