Winter Accidents Leaving You in Pain?

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( — March 10, 2017) — Winter weather and accidents tend to go together. Whether it’s the early darkness, an icy road or sidewalk, or an inexperienced driver who loses control, a winter accident can leave you in pain even after it has officially healed. Here are some common winter injuries and treatment options, courtesy of the pain management specialists at Champey Pain Management.

Head and Brain Injuries

Your head is vulnerable to an impact in an automobile accident or fall. Even when you have no obvious signs of damage, the brain can be jostled inside the skull, causing trauma to the delicate structures. Headaches may plague you for months. If the brain tissue itself is damaged, you may also have signs of neurological damage, such as visual changes, mood swings or difficulty thinking and remembering.

Neck Injuries

Unlike the rest of the spine, the neck is vulnerable to whiplash because it has no supporting structures attached to it. The weight of the head (approximately 11 pounds in an adult) makes the neck prone to injury as the head whips back and forth. Neck strains, dislocated vertebra and injuries to the discs between the bones occur easier than some other types of injury.

Spine Injuries

Although the lower back is one of the more common sites for an injury, you can sustain damage at any point in the spine. Sprains, strains and disk damage can cause chronic pain and may possibly be a fractured vertebrae. Back injuries can cause discomfort and pain for months and even years.


If you try to brace for impact in a car crash or throw out a hand to catch yourself in a fall, you may injure your wrist or shoulder. Slip on an icy sidewalk and you could sustain a head injury. A fractured hip is another possible winter injury, especially for an older person or one who has osteoporosis (bone thinning).

Sort Out the Problem

Sometimes it can be difficult to determine where the pain is coming from. The first step is to clearly identify the source of your pain. A careful review of symptoms coupled with X-rays and other imaging studies, nerve conduction studies and other diagnostic tools will help pinpoint the problem, which leads to developing a plan of care.


No matter what your injury, treatment options are available. Every patient is different, and what works for one might not work for another. You might need no more than some medications to help you through the acute healing phase. On the other hand, if you have chronic pain that is disrupting your life, you might benefit from a joint injection, a nerve block or manipulation of the spine under anesthesia.

Whether it’s winter or another time of year, you need not suffer from pain caused by an accident. Please contact us to see if we can help with your chronic pain problems. Our pain management specialists are board-certified anesthesiologists and skilled in all aspect of pain management.

About Champey Pain Group

Dr. Edward J. Champey, MD specializes in Advanced Interventional Pain Management in New Jersey. He is Board Certified Anesthesiologist who has personally performed all Pain Management procedures at Mine Hill Surgical Center, located in Morris County, NJ.

At the Champey Pain Group we approach each patient to improve function, repair injured tissues, decrease pain, and improve their quality of life. We provide high-quality care to our patients in accordance with Accepted and Recognized Standards while offering treatment for chronic and acute pain sufferers. Our mission is to reduce or eliminate reliance on prescription medication and to avoid possible surgery.

( — March 8, 2017) —