The 3 Kinds of Software Almost All Online Businesses are Using

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( — July 17, 2017) — When it comes to a company’s arsenal of tools, most are private about what they’re using and consider it to be somewhat of a trade secret. However, there are certain kinds of software that are used by businesses across the board, and their popularity and widespread usage are well-known by nearly everyone who works online. Unfortunately, there are still some novice entrepreneurs and webmasters who aren’t aware of the main essentials needed to get ahead. Even some experienced businessmen overlook some of the basics that can really do a lot to simplify and enhance their marketing and business management efforts. With that said, here the top three kinds of software that almost all online businesses are frequently using:

1. Reporting and Analytics

With the complexity of many enterprise software, it’s not surprising that specialized apps are designed to report and analyze their usage and results. Web analytics (the analysis of web traffic and site usage) is perhaps the most popular kind, but with new Office 365 reporting solutions appearing we’re also seeing an increasing number of businesses using analytics and reporting to gain insight about their data, content creation, and communications.

2. Office Suite

Every business needs a way to create and edit documents. Most people opt for the Office 365 suite, but there are other open source options like OpenOffice as well. Ideally, you’ll want to go with the latest version of Microsoft’s Office suite, as this is considered the standard by most businesses. Plus, the majority of companies you’ll be doing business with will be using the Microsoft Office suite, so for the sake of compatibility and formatting it’s best to have this suite installed. Make sure you know how to use it just in case, even if you do decide to go the cheaper route and opt for OpenOffice for your personal use.

3. Social Dashboards

Social dashboards give you centralized access to all your social media accounts like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Periscope, within an all-inclusive interface. Sometimes these dashboards take the form of online hubs while other times they’re represented by installed software. Some of the most popular social dashboards around are HootSuite, Sendible, and Buffer. With tools like these, you won’t be wasting time logging in and out of separate accounts to paste the same links and updates over and over again. Instead, you’ll be able to easily choose which network(s) you want to post on and handle it all in one swift motion.

Covering Crucial Tasks in Any Niche

With the three kinds of tools above, you should be able to produce, share, and analyze content and performance with ease, regardless of which sector your company specializes in. For that reason, it’s best to become more familiar with these software types as soon as possible because you’ll want to have some experience with them by the time you launch your next endeavor. Learning how to use a comprehensive office suite, social dashboard, and the matching analytical tools will give you the edge needed to compete with other professionals who may be one step ahead of you in this regard.