5 Reasons Why Cremation Jewelry is Such a Beautiful Keepsake to Have

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(Newswire.net — September 20, 2017) — The demand for cremation jewelry has exponentially increased over the past fifty years, where more and more individuals are choosing cremated jewelry to stay close to their loved ones.

Earlier in the twentieth century, only four percent of the overall population was cremated. However, the number has risen to a whopping 40 percent in recent times. Moreover, the trend is likely to gain further traction as almost half of all dead bodies are likely to be cremated than buried.

There are multiple factors contributing to the increase. Today, the cost of a formal funeral is a big dent on your budget, making it difficult for more people to opt for a formal ceremony. Moreover, as people are constantly moving to different locations, this means you’d be moving away from where your loved one is buried.

Thus, cremation jewelry has become a popular way to give respect to the dead by reducing their ashes into cremated diamonds and jewelry pieces.

The Importance of Cremation Jewelry as a Keepsake

Cremation jewelry is made from the cremated remains of a person. Basically, the ashes are transformed into beautiful diamonds that act as keepsake of those who have left this world. 

Generally, when people get to know how cremated jewelry is formed, they tend to get scared. However, once they develop a better understanding of the subject they consider it to be an extremely affectionate way to remember their loved ones.

How Is Cremated Jewelry Made?

Cremation jewelry is crafted using the ashes of a cremated body. The purpose behind this jewelry is to have a lasting memorial of the dead. The possibilities are endless in terms of cremated jewelry, where you can get pendants, necklaces, bracelets, rings and other ornaments made as per your preference.

Cremation diamonds, also known as memorial diamonds, leave a profound mark, acting as a memoir of the death. From ashes to diamonds, the making process is extremely beautiful.

Cremated Remains – A Penchant of Those Who Are Dead

A common reason why individuals do not prefer using cremated remains is that they are made using ashes. However, the ashes governed from a cremated body are not the same as the ones we get from a chimney. When a human body is cremated, the remains consist of dust and other sediments of bone. These are then pulverized and transformed into fine powder. This makes them extremely special and of immense value.

Lonité is a renowned manufacturer of cremation jewelry. They beautifully make diamonds from ashes giving you a memorable keepsake that will last forever. So, if you want to go down the route of cremation jewelry but don’t know how to get started, take a look at Lonité’s website.

Turning ashes into diamonds to honor your loved one is truly a beautiful concept. Here’s why cremation jewelry is a beautiful keepsake.

1. Memorials To Last A Lifetime

Diamonds reflect deep love and are the most precious gemstone. Diamonds are used as a true expression of love given to women upon their marriage, childbirth and other significant events. The worth and beauty of such gems makes them a prized possession.

Significance of a diamond

In general, a diamond takes millions of years to develop. They are found in the earth’s crust and are then cultivated in a laboratory which again takes several months. Considering the high value of diamonds, it is important to get an authenticated grading report to validate the 4 C’s of diamond. This will also help you evaluate if a diamond is cultivated within a laboratory or naturally.

You can also produce diamonds synthetically. However, no such way has been derived that allows mass production of synthetic diamonds. In the 21st century, the concept of cremation jewelry and cremation diamonds has gained popularity where ashes are transformed into diamonds.

Such diamonds are manufactured by only a handful of companies. Lonité is one of the most popular memorial or cremation diamond manufacturer who offers high quality diamonds as memoirs of your loved ones.

Time Consuming Yet Worth the Effort 

It needs to be understood that the process to transform ashes and hair into diamonds takes a lot of time. A rigorous process is followed where impurities are removed and purification is done. The carbon obtained undergoes high temperature where it is left in the machine for a long period of time. While a small diamond may be formed within a few days, larger ones may require a few months.

Thereby, the ashes to diamond process may be long, but the end result is a beautiful memorial that lasts a lifetime. Cremating your loved ones into jewelry will give you memories that last a lifetime.

2. Certified And Graded Cremated Diamond Jewelry

Emotional Bonding

When an individual goes to buy a diamond, they look for graded and certified reports. Such reports help in judging the 4C’s. However, those who opt for cremated diamonds look at the bigger picture. The clarity, cut, carat or color does not matter for such diamonds as all that matters is the emotions associated with the gemstone.

Cultivated Diamonds

Many families are not comfortable with sending off the ashes of their loved ones to make a cremation diamond as the process may require six months to a year. However, the satisfaction of getting your loved one’s ashes turned to form a diamond is unmatched. If you are uncertain about the process, make sure to opt for a reliable manufacturer like Lonité. Moreover, you can also send the memorial diamond to a grading and certification authority who will confirm whether the diamond is cultivated or naturally made. 

3. Close To Your Heart

Homeliness and Affection

In today’s busy world, it is not easy for families and loved ones to visit the graveyard frequently. As life gets busy and circumstances change, it is not possible to offer the same respect at regular intervals.

With cremation jewelry, your loved one is always near to you and close to heart. Be it a ring, a pendant or plaque, all give a feeling of homeliness. Further, if you are migrating from one place to another you can also easily carry your cremated jewels and diamonds with you.

This means no matter where you are and no matter what you do, you will always be close to your loved ones. While memories fade away, cremation jewelry doesn’t. It will always give you a feeling that your loved one is close to you at all times.

4. All Cremation Jewelry Has Its Distinct Charm

Only For You

One of the most beautiful facts about cremation jewelry is that no piece of ornament is similar to another.  When a cremation diamond is made, all ashes react differently to the substance resulting in unique and breathtaking patterns. 

5. A Great Way to Honor The Deceased

Precious for a Lifetime to Come

Diamonds made from ashes is a great honor for your loved one. When a loved one dies, their story ends there. However, by turning them into cremated ornaments or diamonds you give them true importance. 

It’s hard to give up on something you love and bid farewell to them, however, by investing in cremation jewelry you make them an important keepsake that’ll last forever.