5 Ways to Make Your Swimming Pool Safe for Kids

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(Newswire.net — October 6, 2017) — Having a swimming pool is a fantastic addition to any home. Being able to take a dip in your pool on a very hot day should be listed as one of the very best ways to enjoy life.

Getting into the pool with your kids and partner and enjoying every bit of the fun. Sounds very exciting.

However, owning a swimming pool comes with a lot more responsibility, especially if you have young children at home.

In order to prevent incidents of drowning or fatal injuries, safety precautions should be taken.

Asides the fact that it is very important for an adult to stand by when the kids are swimming, not checking or updating their Facebook status, not texting, not tweeting, not even reading, some extra preventive measures are still needed.

Despite all the hazards associated with swimming, we cannot deny that children love the act. And none of these hazards would be strong enough to stop them from wanting to flap those dainty hands and legs in the pool.

So since we do not want to deprive them of their fun activity, below are some safety tips to ensure your swimming pool is safe.

1. Pool fence and gate

With a quality 4ft high pool fence, one the kids cannot just climb over or squeeze through, an extra layer of protection would be added and the pool will be a lot safer for kids.

Added to that should be a self-closing pool, which should be out of the kid’s reach.

2. Clean up pool area after use

Once the kids are done swimming, it is important that you clean the surrounding and remove floating toys from the pool as they can attract the kids’ attention, tempting them to reach for it, during which they could fall and drown. You can’t be too cautious.

3. Establish rules

Another swimming pool safety measure is the establishment and enforcement of rules.

Most times, pool decks are slippery and because of how excited kids are around pools, they tend to run instead of walking. This is where the “no running” rule comes in. You should also include “no diving” so they don’t hit their head in the areas that are too shallow for diving.

4. Pool covers

Another effective safety measure is the use of pool covers. Use those that cannot be easily pulled off by the kids and make sure it has a full coverage.

5. Supervision

Yes it’s your swimming pool, and you have this sense of relaxation that the kids should be familiar with it and should know how to swim in it. Wrong.

When your kids are in the pool, you should automatically be in it with them too. Of course I don’t mean that literally, but it means the whole of your attention should be in the pool too. Now is not the time for that sport magazine you got off your loving neighbour Charlie, neither is it the time to update your best friend Lizzy on the upcoming baby shower.

It’s the time to focus solely on your kids so as to caution them if need be, after all, they come first don’t they?

Swimming is a fun activity, and one of the best ways to keep your kids happy and active, so get out to your pool and have all the fun. Just be sure the kids are safe while at it.