Johnny Tabaie Explains How the Holistic Sanctuary Got a 90% Addiction Recovery Rate

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( — December 16, 2017) — With a reasonable number of the world’s population suffering from drug addiction, the need for rehabilitation centers has greatly increased over the years. Much more disturbing is the fact that after the routine program, addicts are only guaranteed a twenty to thirty percent improvement rate.

It came as a great surprise when Johnny Tabaie, popularly known as “Johnny the Healer” promised a life-time guarantee on the platinum package offered by the Holistic Sanctuary.

The Holistic Sanctuary, a luxury drug rehabilitation center founded by Johnny Tabaie is located above the Azura pacific in Mexico. According to Johnny, the sanctuary “offers the most powerful, holistic, natural and effective healing methods”.

And most of his patients testify to feeling a sense of rebirth after the ninety-day program. But how does the Holistic Sanctuary pull this off?

1. The Pouyan Method and Ibogaine

One of the most distinguishing things about the Holistic sanctuary is its rare method of administering treatment. They combine the Pouyan Method and herbal medicines like Ibogaine.

The “Pouyan Method” gets the brain to pre-addiction state, activates stem cells, cleans out the GI tract, gets rid of parasites, pathogens, fungi, mold in the body.

The road towards recovery is set with the use of special formulas which promote neuroplasticity by giving the brain all the vital amino acids, vitamins, minerals, micronutrients it needs to thrive and heal itself from the years of abuse.

The Pouyan IV drips also create new neuro pathways that are responsible for sending signals from one region of the brain to another.

In place of the standard therapeutic methods of accepting the reality of the illness in order to overcome it, the Ibogaine provides a psychedelic experience that also seems to reset the nerve receptors to a pre-addictive state by digging out those buried memories.

When the treatment is properly administered, the sensation of addiction is gone.

Johnny Tabaie explains the reason for this form of treatment while relating his experience of alcohol addiction.  He realized over the years that “all the group meetings in the world was not going to repair my brain”.

Ibogaine reduces the usual opiate withdrawal symptoms associated with addiction recovery by reconfiguring the opiate receptor sites in the brain.

2. A different level of diet

The Holistic Sanctuary then takes diet to a whole new level. Patients are served plant-based diets and they eat organic fruits and vegetables. Processed foods or foods with chemical addictive are totally avoided.

Some patients during their stay live on a raw diet. Johnny Tabaie states the reason for this; “what a man eats during and after rehab matters a lot”.

With this kind of diet, a patient’s body system is totally detoxified during his stay at the Holistic Sanctuary. This process also helps to repair the DNA of a person, the mitochondria and also the endocrine system. It flushes acid out from the system, causes an alkalinity rebalance and also liver detox.

The medical team then takes record of the changes in the brain.

3. A serene environment

The Holistic Sanctuary is situated in serene environment which gives its visitors an exclusive experience. Each is individually treated. Patients have massage sessions, yoga, therapy and sea salt baths. This is put in place not only to ensure a speedy recovery from the illness but also to ensure a holistic experience by its patients.

The reason for the amazing results achieved by the Holistic Sanctuary is not far-fetched. According to Johnny Tabaie, the combination of the right methods, a serene environment and the right diet helps addiction recovery 90% of the time.