Breathe-In the Buteyko Way

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( — December 26, 2017) Cheyenne, Wyoming — Most breathing techniques and popular natural remedies tend to originate from Oriental cultures but surprisingly enough, the Buteyko method was created in Russia. Named after its founder Konstantin Buteyko, this method of breathing is said to improve more than 150 disorders.

“The success of the Buteyko method in the treatment of asthma is backed by hard scientific data,” states “Clinical trials funded by the Australian Association of Asthma Foundations in 1994 at the Mater Hospital in Brisbane demonstrated that asthmatics were able to reduce their symptomatic medication intake by 90% and their steroid medication by 30%. This reduction in medication was accompanied by improvements in their general health and quality of life.” 

Breathing can be used as a healing mechanism when done right under the Buteyko method. The miracle is in the simplicity of this approach as “normal” breathing is enhanced by deliberate mindful breaths. Under this thought, the best known way to understand how you breathing pattern affects your health is by doing a Control Pause test by which the status of a number of interesting activities can be deduced. The Buteyko Breathing Centre based in the UK instructs the Control Pause test be done as follows. 

1)      Sit down, close the mouth and breathe normally in and out through the nose for 2/3 minutes.

2)     After a normal out breath, gently close the nose with thumb and forefinger, note the time on a clock or time with a stop watch.

3)     When you feel the first urge to breathe then release the nose and breathe in. Remember to keep the mouth closed at this point.

4)     Note the number of seconds that have passed before breathing in.

The body’s overall state can is indicated with how long one can hold their breath for with the Control Pause test. So less than 10 seconds suggests there are some health problems, 11-25 seconds hints to possible health concerns, 30-40 seconds is considered satisfactory and anything over 60 seconds is superb. 

Naturally not everyone will fall within the range of satisfactory or superb but with continued breathing exercises it can be accomplished. Some may even opt to use nasal strips to aid the nostrils function optimally, if so, the Breathe-IN™ nasal strips by HealthyWiser™ are ideal for the job.

HealthyWiser LLC

109 E 17TH ST STE 420
Cheyenne, Wyoming 82001
United States