(Newswire.net — February 6, 2018) Cheyenne, Wyoming — Everyone strives to have a great network of friends, a strong bond with a select few who operate almost telepathically when needed. Having someone understand their role in life and in relations to friends and loved ones is the catalyst for offering a helping hand before a situation really gets out of hand. This is much like how the human body works. A group of friends aka organs all living together and working amongst each other with very specific tasks yet there’s always an understudy ready and waiting to jump in and perform in the event that the main organ needs help. When it comes to the body’s pH levels, there are a number of players yet restoring pH balance is the responsibility of the buffer system with lungs and kidneys as part of the backup support crew.
“The blood’s acid-base balance is precisely controlled because even a minor deviation from the normal range can severely affect many organs,” explains MSD Manual. “The body uses different mechanisms to control the blood’s acid-base balance. The pH buffer systems are combinations of the body’s own naturally occurring weak acids and weak bases which guard against sudden shifts in acidity and alkalinity. These weak acids and bases exist in pairs that are in balance under normal pH conditions. The pH buffer systems work chemically to minimize changes in the pH of a solution by adjusting the proportion of acid and base.”
This acid-base buffer system spoken of is just one of the many self-persevering methods the body employs to ensure homeostasis, internal balance and stability. pH balance is so important that if left unchecked, the whole body would eventually collapse and the brain would enter into a coma with sure death in the loom. A narrow pH range of 7.35 to 7.45 is the safe zone for the body so typically the body does a really good job of maintaining its pH value at an average of 7.40 because the slightest shift out of the safe zone can spell trouble.
“One of the most important buffer agents in humans is bicarbonate,” notes Aqua Health, a wellness company in Quebec, Canada. “When carbon dioxide (CO2) mixes with water (H2O), carbonic acid is formed (H2CO3). When carbonic acid dissociates in an aqueous environment, it releases a molecule called a bicarbonate ion (HCO3-). Bicarbonate ions act as buffers because they bond with positively charged alkaline ions such as calcium, sodium, potassium and magnesium ions and help the body neutralize an increase in the blood’s acidity levels.”
One of the ways to help control the body’s acid-base levels is through proper dieting and exercise. The values of being fit practically writes itself and while consuming a well balanced diet is just as obvious, the modern day American diet goes counter to encouraging sound health. The busy lifestyles and bombardment of cheap, greasy or convenient foods have distorted the shape of Americans, opening a Pandora’s box of health issues which could have easily been avoided if mindfulness were utilized from the get go.
Maybe it’s a case where most people don’t know that they’re out of whack. Maybe they literally have no clue that they’ve been pushing their body to its limits. Becoming aware is the precursor to actively resolving an issue, periodically testing one’s body pH is highly recommended. A sample of urine or saliva is all that’s needed to conduct a quick and reliable test in the comfort and privacy of one’s home. The HealthyWiser™ pH Health Test Strips are considered one of the best brand options as the latest science technology is used to assure the most precise and accurate readings every single time.
About HealthyWiser LLC
HealthyWiser™ is a recognized and flourishing personal health and premium dietary supplement brand offering products that are diligently tested to meet industry standards. Passionate about good health and innovation the HealthyWiser™ brand is committed to delivering quality to customers. Learn more about pH Health Test Strips for Saliva & Urine on Amazon.
HealthyWiser LLC
109 E 17TH ST STE 420Cheyenne, Wyoming 82001
United States