Researchers Suggest Ashwagandha Is an Effective Anti-Venom

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( — February 15, 2018) Orlando, FL — Ashwagandha has long been believed to be highly therapeutic. There have been many clinicians and researchers who suggest this herb has a potential to ward off diseases and disorders. However, it appears that this natural remedy could also be used during emergency cases.

Researchers suggest ashwagandha is an effective anti-venom. This adaptogenic herb contains a variety of healing agents, which many researchers believe to be helpful for optimum human health and survival. Today, it is widely taken through the use of supplements like Divine Bounty Ashwagandha.

In the United States, around 7,000 venomous snake bite cases are reported annually. It is worth mentioning that only 6 fatalities are reported due to medical emergency treatment.

According to some experts, a bite can be serious even if it comes from a harmless snake. It could even lead to an allergic reaction or infection. When the bite comes from a venomous snake, it could lead to an array of symptoms, which include nausea, convulsions and even paralysis.

It is important to clean up the wound and stay calm when bitten. Immobilizing the affected area is also essential while waiting for an emergency treatment. Experts also recommend identifying the type of snake as there are venomous and non-venomous ones.

Most snakes in the United States are not venomous but several types do have venom. There are indicators that could help people identify snake bites, such as two puncture wounds and difficulty breathing.

It could also lead to swelling and redness around the wounds, pain, vomiting, nausea, blurred vision, sweating, salivating and numbness in the face and limbs.

In rural parts of India, ashwagandha plant extract is externally applied as an antidote to snakebite. This herb actually contains a glycoprotein that works in inhibiting the hyaluronidase activity of cobra and viper venoms.

Ashwagandha root along with some pharmaceutical drugs are even prescribed for scorpion-sting and snake venom. This anti-venom treatment is being studied due to the glycoprotein component it contains that serves as a potent inhibitor of the venom’s hyaluronidase enzymes.

Some experts reveal that these enzymes work in breaking down the tissue of the snake bite victim, and aid in spreading venom toxins throughout the body.

In lab studies, it was found that the hyaluronidase inhibitor of ashwagandha was able to completely inhibit the enzyme from viper and cobra venoms.

Today, there are many who use Ashwagandha supplements to experience the therapeutic goodness of this herb. One of the formulas to consider is Divine Bounty Ashwagandha, which is widely known for its high potency and purity.


About Divine Bounty

Divine Bounty is a family-owned brand that manufactures high-quality turmeric curcumin supplements. Passionate about the potential health benefits of turmeric, the team behind Divine Bounty have carefully researched and sourced only the best ingredients to create the ideal blend of turmeric curcumin. More details are available at

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