(Newswire.net — December 15, 2014) — The Senate Intelligence Committee’s report on the CIA’s “Enhanced Interrogation Techniques” brought shame and disbelief to every decent American. Once again, it has proved that no matter how advanced and human society is, there is no advanced and human torture. At the end of the day, a torture is still nothing more than plain torture no matter how we call it, and of course, the world has reacted.
The United Nations Special Rapporteur on Counter Terrorism and Human Rights, Ben Emmerson, called on the US to prosecute those responsible for thevcrimes outlined in the report, according to CNN.
Emmerson said the program was “a clear policy orchestrated at a high level within the Bush administration, which allowed … systematic crimes and gross violations of international human rights law.”
Afghanistan’s President Ashraf Ghani condemned the “enhanced interrogation techniques” saying “All Afghan people should know that after 2014 no international forces would be allowed to put any Afghan citizen in jail, get into their homes or have prisons.”
“We believe that the US side should reflect upon and rectify it’s relevant behavior, earnestly obey and implement the provisions of international conventions,” Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hong Lei told reporters Wednesday.
The Russian Foreign Ministry said Thursday that the information made public from the report “is another confirmation of gross systematic violations of human rights by the American authorities.”
Pakistan and Iran shared its well-known critics of US as a nation who repeatedly violates human rights in the name of protecting it.
Even the biggest US ally, Great Britain, who always backed White House decisions, criticized US morality. “Those of us want to see a safer, more secure world, want to see the extremism defeated. We won’t succeed if we lose our moral authority,” UK Prime Minster David Cameron said on Tuesday.
The Foreign Ministry of France said that, when it comes to the fight against terrorism, “the main objective of the international community must stay within the framework of respect for human rights and international humanitarian law,” CNN reported.
German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier tweeted “We [Germany] welcome this new transparency to admit mistakes … What was considered right in fight against Islamic terrorism was unacceptable serious mistake.”
While US is deploying troops in Poland on the request of their government fearing the Russian might invade them again, Former Poland President Aleksander Kwasniewski said, “This report is something that the Kremlin will receive as an unexpected Christmas present,” he said. “We had every right to believe that they would conduct activities in accordance to law, American law, which is not more liberal than Polish law or international law … Another lesson from this report, is, that trust even in your closest ally must be limited.”