Expand Smarter Not Harder: The Relocatable Unit Advantage for Storage Facilities

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By GordanaV

In the booming self-storage industry, staying ahead of the curve is crucial. As a facility owner, you’re likely always on the lookout for ways to boost revenue and meet growing demand. Enter relocatable and portable storage units – your secret weapon for rapid, cost-effective expansion. Let’s dive into why these versatile units are revolutionizing the way storage facilities grow.

Why Relocatable Units Are a Game-Changer

1. Lightning-Fast Expansion

Imagine adding new units to your facility in weeks, not months or years. With relocatable units, this dream becomes a reality:

  • Delivery in just 10-12 weeks after ordering: This rapid turnaround time allows you to respond quickly to market demands. Traditional construction projects often take 6-12 months or more. It means you could have your relocatable units up and running before a conventional expansion even breaks ground.
  • Setup takes less than 30 minutes per unit: With a small team and basic tools, you can assemble each unit in under half an hour. This means you could potentially add dozens of new units to your facility in a single day. This would dramatically increase your capacity.
  • Minimal disruption to your existing operations: Traditional construction, can involve noisy machinery, dust, and restricted access areas. On the other hand, relocatable units are easy to install with minimal impact on your current tenants. This means you can keep your business running smoothly even as you expand.

2. Aesthetically Pleasing and Customizable

Gone are the days of clunky, mismatched expansions. Relocatable units offer:

  • High-quality materials for durability and longevity: These units are built to last, often using galvanized steel and other weather-resistant materials. They can withstand harsh conditions and maintain their appearance for years, reducing maintenance costs and preserving your facility’s professional look.
  • Customizable colors, logos, and branding elements: You can choose from a wide range of colors to match your existing units or create a new, eye-catching design. Add your logo or other branding elements to create a cohesive look across your entire facility. This customization helps reinforce your brand identity and can make your facility more memorable to potential customers.
  • Seamless integration with your existing facility aesthetic: Relocatable units can be designed to mimic the appearance of traditional storage buildings, with options for different door styles, trim, and other architectural elements. This allows you to maintain a consistent look throughout your facility, enhancing its overall appeal.

3. Maximize Every Inch of Your Property

Relocatable units are the masters of space utilization:

  • Can be placed in areas unsuitable for traditional construction: These units can be installed on uneven terrain, sloped areas, or even temporary locations. This flexibility allows you to make use of land that might otherwise be considered “dead space” in your facility.
  • Ideal for spaces under power lines, within easements, or setbacks: Many facilities have areas that can’t be built upon due to legal restrictions or safety concerns. Relocatable units can often be placed in these areas, as they’re typically considered temporary structures. This can significantly increase your usable space without running afoul of regulations.
  • Turn underutilized land into profitable storage space: That awkward corner of your property or the narrow strip along the fence line can now become valuable rental space. By maximizing your land use, you can increase your facility’s profitability without acquiring additional property.

4. Significant Tax Advantages

Your accountant will love relocatable units as much as you do:

  • Assessed as personal property, often resulting in lower property taxes: Unlike permanent structures, relocatable units are typically classified as equipment, which can lead to more favorable tax treatment in many jurisdictions.
  • Qualify for substantial tax write-offs under Section 179 of the IRS tax code: This allows you to deduct the full purchase price of qualifying equipment in the year it’s placed in service, rather than depreciating it over time.
  • Potential for large first-year deductions through bonus depreciation: This provision allows businesses to deduct a significant percentage of the purchase price of eligible assets, in addition to the regular depreciation allowance.

These tax benefits can significantly enhance your return on investment, making expansion more financially appealing than ever.

5. Hassle-Free Installation

Forget complex construction projects. Installing relocatable units is refreshingly simple:

  • Requires only a level surface: A simple gravel bed or concrete blocks are often sufficient. They eliminate the need for extensive foundation work typical of traditional construction.
  • Minimal site preparation needed: This reduces both the time and cost associated with preparing your site for expansion, allowing for a quicker return on investment.
  • Reduces costs and time associated with traditional expansion methods: With less need for specialized equipment and labor, you can significantly cut down on expansion expenses.

This simplicity means you can adapt and expand quickly as demand increases.

6. Grow in Sync with Demand

Relocatable units offer unparalleled flexibility in your expansion strategy:

  • Add units incrementally as existing ones fill up: This allows you to closely match supply with demand, optimizing your occupancy rates and revenue.
  • Align capital expenditure with actual demand: Instead of a large upfront investment, you can spread your expansion costs over time, improving cash flow management.
  • Reduce financial risk by avoiding overbuilding: The ability to add units gradually minimizes the risk of having an excess, unused capacity that doesn’t generate revenue.

This scalable approach allows for better cash flow management and adaptability to market fluctuations.

7. Boost Your Facility’s Value

Expanding with relocatable units isn’t just about immediate gains:

  • Increase rentable square footage without significantly altering operational costs: More units mean more potential revenue, often without a proportional increase in overhead expenses.
  • Generate additional cash flows, boosting overall facility valuation: Higher revenues typically translate to a higher valuation for your property, which can be beneficial for refinancing or selling.
  • Enhance property value for potential future sale or refinancing: The added flexibility and revenue potential of relocatable units can make your facility more attractive to potential buyers or lenders.

It’s an investment in both your present operations and your facility’s future value.

Making the Most of Your Expansion

To ensure a successful expansion with relocatable units:

  1. Analyze Your Current Demand: Identify which unit sizes are most popular and where you’re consistently at capacity.
  2. Plan Your Layout Carefully: Work with experts to optimize the placement of new units for maximum efficiency and customer convenience.
  3. Consider Phased Expansion: Start with a smaller number of units and add more as demand grows to manage cash flow effectively.
  4. Update Your Marketing: Promote your new units and any special features they offer to attract new customers and fill them quickly.


Expanding your storage facility with relocatable units is a strategic move that offers numerous advantages. The combination of speed, flexibility, and financial benefits makes this approach an attractive option for facility owners looking to capitalize on market demand efficiently.

By leveraging relocatable units, you can maximize your property’s potential and increase profitability. At the same time, you minimize the disruptions and costs associated with traditional construction methods. This approach allows for scalable growth that aligns closely with market demands.

For tailored guidance on planning your expansion and selecting the optimal unit configurations, give PortableBoxs a call at 813-534-6293. Or, contact us through our website at https://www.portableboxs.com. With a well-executed expansion strategy using relocatable units, your facility will be well-positioned to meet the evolving needs of the self-storage market and drive long-term business growth.