(Newswire.net — March 16, 2016) — North Korean nuclear scientist, Cho Hyong-II, said, if the hydrogen bomb was placed on an intercontinental ballistic missile and hit Manhattan, New York, it could level the entire borough, leaving all the people dead and the city in ashes.
According to the DPRK, he pointed out that the hydrogen bomb, which North Korea recently developed, “surpasses our imagination”.
The newly-developed hydrogen bomb is much bigger than the one developed by the Soviet Union, which could break windows on buildings up to 600 miles away, and cause third-degree burns at a distance of more than 60 miles, the scientist was quoted as stating.
The Washington Post reports that there are many reasons to suggest that North Korean leader, Kim Jong-Un’s regime exaggerates its technical capabilities.
Pyongyang, the capital of North Korea, announced in January this year that it had tested the hydrogen bomb, although most experts are doubtfull as they say that seismic waves caused by an explosion are similar to those in previous nuclear testing.
The claims about the devastating hydrogen bomb come at a time when the United Nations human rights investigator has called on Kim Jong-Un and others senior officials in the country, to be prosecuted for committing crimes against humanity.
The threat against the heart of New York City – Manhattan, is the latest in a line of threats by Kim Jong-Un and his regime, and come at the same time as the West has placed sanctions on Pyongyang.
Marzuki Darusman, UN Human Rights investigator, has said that Kim Jong-Un has spent large amounts of money for developing nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction.
The investigator continued and explained that at the same time many of the citizens of North Korea starve and work in slave-like conditions.
Due to the new H-bomb threats, officials from Washington and Seoul are discussing the deployment of an advanced missile defence system in South Korea.