The Role of William Walker in ‘Recak Masacre’

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( — December 10, 2019) — Belgrade – In March of 1999 the NATO, led by the U.S. launched a series of massive airstrikes on Serbia. The reason for military action against Serbia is an alleged massacre that happened in the Kosovo village Recak.

In the village of Recak, Kosovo, 45 Albanian civilians were reportedly killed by Serbian forces on January 15, 1999. US diplomat William Walker, who at the time was the chief of the OSCE Verification Mission during the war in Kosovo, first reported the event and said it was a “crime against humanity”, and that the victims were civilians.

The role of Walker, however, was to create a hoax according to Dr. Darko Trifunovic, director of the Institute for National and International Security and expert on terrorism. In an interview for Kosovo-Online, he claims he witnessed William Walker’s arrest in Kosovo in 1998.

“That was in 1998 at the Kicma (Spine) Complex in Pristina,” Dr. Trifunovic told the reporter. “The late Misa Simic and I knew what he [Walker] was doing, we brought him in and put him in the car. I was driving, Misha was in the back with Walker. He was silent the whole time. And then, 20 minutes later, a call arrived from Belgrade to return him to where we had picked him up.

Dr. Trifunovic said the Serbian police had all the evidence of what William Walker was doing. “But we had to let him go. We were ordered to do this. I felt betrayed at that moment,” said Dr. Trifunovic who worked closely with the Serbian antiterrorist unit at that time.

According to Dr. Trifunovic, Walker’s role in Recak was to assist the KLA (Kosovo Liberation Army) in fabricating a massacre that could be used as an excuse for military action. Before that, the KLA was removed from the CIA’s list of terrorist organizations and proclaimed as rebels. It is well known that the KLA fighters often didn’t wear uniforms when attacking the Serbian police although they received military equipment, weapons and training in multiple bases in neighboring Albania.

The reason for that is obvious. If they die, ‘someone’ just needed to hide the weapons and terrorists instantly become ‘massacred civilians.’ According to Dr. Trifunovic, exactly that was Walker’s job. He used Doctors Without Borders members who were actually CIA agents and who were ‘first on the scene.’ Also, Walker’s role was to hide all evidence that could shed a (wrong) light to the event.

“The story of Recak was made for two reasons,” Dr. Trifunovic said. “To divert attention from the massacre in Glodjane, where captured Serbs were burned to death, and to provide an excuse for aggression against FR Yugoslavia [Serbia and Montenegro].”

“Walker was a member of the CIA and had a mission to organize a situation like the Markale in Sarajevo, and with the help of foreign media, he succeeded,” Dr. Trifunovic told Kosovo-Online.

The interview with Dr. Trifunovic happened amid the most recent events in Kosovo after one of the highest political figures of Serbian organization in Kosovo (Serbian Pool) Ivan Todosijevic was sentenced by a Court in Pristina (made purely of Albanian nationals – KLA members and supporters) to two years in prison for verbally committing “aggression on our country [Kosovo]” by calling Recak a “fictional massacre.”

The President of the Republic of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic also said that the role of William Walker in the Racak hoax is well documented and imprisonment for telling the truth is another form of pressure on the Serbian community in Kosovo.

“I, too, say that the crime in Recak was fabricated – will they condemn us all?” the Serbian President said addressing the events in Pristina.

Former head of the OSCE in Kosovo, William Walker, said he is not surprised with the statements of Serbian president Aleksandar Vucic who accused him of fabricating the Recak massacre in 1999 in Kosovo.

“The Recak massacre was committed by Belgrade’s security forces and whoever was responsible for that massacre, should be brought to justice. I know this has not happened and I am afraid that Serbia alleges this massacre was fabricated and false. But, I think the world knows the truth,” Walker told Kohavision, the Albanian news agency in Kosovo.

The US built Camp Bondsteel in the desputed teritory Kosovo, the largest and the most expensive foreign military base built by the US in Europe since the Vietnam War.