(Newswire.net— July 17, 2018) — Amid the political reality of the highest tension between US and Russia since the Cold war, The US President Donald Trump has met the Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin. The meeting took place in Helsinki, Finland which was agreed as a “neutral” territory by both sides, but not by the Finish people who protested heavily against the arrival of both leaders.
The long anticipated meeting, however, didn’t bring ease of tensions since sanctions against Russia still stand along with the Russian aim to ditch petro dollar. For how long, it is left to see.
The two presidents, however, agreed that the Cold war ended a long time ago and there are no ideology clashes between the two nations since Russia implemented liberal capitalism after the collapse of the Soviet Union.
According to the US President Donald Trump, the two leaders had a “deeply productive dialog” and emphasized there was no collusion between his campaign and Russia in 2016.
“There was no collusion,” Trump told reporters. “I didn’t know the President (Putin), there was nobody to collude with.”
On the matter of Russian meddling in the 2016 elections, the US President said he is convinced such a thing never happened calling ‘Russiagate’ a conspiracy theory.
“We ran a brilliant campaign, and that’s why I’m president,” Trump added. “I beat Hillary Clinton easily…and it’s a shame that there could even be a little bit of a cloud over it.”
Ridiculing the White House Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s ongoing probe, which gathered no evidence of collusion so far, Donald Trump said he asked Putin about meddling of Russian hackers in the US elections but the Russian President denied his government had such plans at all.
After the meeting Trump admitted the US and Russia relationship has “never been worse.” However, he said that the meeting has dismantled the buildup of hostility that was left over from Obama’s presidency.
“That all changed about four hours ago,” the US President told media on a joint press conference after the meeting that lasted several hours.
Contemplating good relations with Putin, Donald Trump stressed that he’d rather face political attacks at home than drag the world into war. The harsh criticism of Trump’s meeting with Putin already makes headlines as Democrats call the joint press conference “treasonous.”
“Donald Trump’s press conference performance in Helsinki rises to & exceeds the threshold of ‘high crimes & misdemeanors,” Russia Today cited the Tweet from former CIA chief John Brennan, who tweeted. “It was nothing short of treasonous. Not only were Trump’s comments imbecilic, he is wholly in the pocket of Putin. Republican Patriots: Where are you???” the Tweet continues.
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (California) once again repeated the Democrat line that Putin must have “something” on Trump since he “refuses to stand up to Putin,” while Senator John McCain Tweeted that the “press conference in Helsinki was one of the most disgraceful performances by an American president in memory.”