(Newswire.net — February 18, 2020) —
Make Peace Not War
You don’t need to enlist in the military in order to love your country.
You don’t need to fly over to Iran with an AK 47 in order to represent your countries ideals and beliefs.
It’s not necessary to impose your beliefs on other countries’ beliefs by occupying their land.
In today’s world there seems to be much turmoil. Turmoil even on our own soil.
There are many things to be upset about when looking at the state of the world. However there are many things to be grateful for in today’s world.
In 2020 we are not looking to go to war anymore to solve our differences. We all wish to live in peace.
What better way to express yourself and your country than to wear patriotic clothing. In this manner it is not necessary to enlist in the service in order to represent your country.
You can feel the love for your country and express it with a T-shirt or a warm hoodie.
Starts Open Dialogue with Fellow Countrymen
The United States of America’s political parties is a hot topic. It seems to be dividing the country between Republicans and Democrats.
In fact it has even taken over the dating world. You will find many people saying if you are a Trump supporter swipe left.
Patriotic apparel may seem to have a republican connotation to it because the confederate states considered themselves very patriotic.
However if anyone remembers, Abraham Lincoln was a republican.
One of the most well respected and perhaps greatest presidents thought to ever live was Republican.
Let this be a reminder that clothing for patriots is not just for Republicans.
Because Democrats can agree that Abraham Lincoln was one of the greatest presidents ever.
It seems as though today if Abraham Lincoln were president he would be aligned with the Democratic views.
So go out there and put on your patriotic apparel. Strike up the conversation that we are all just Americans.
Talk about what really matters. Our freedom, our rights, and our way of life for the American people.
Let us bond together with love of our country not hate because one person supports a certain political party.
In the end we all love our country and just want to support our God-given rights on which this country was built on.
We Need to Take Our Freedom Back
Our founding fathers divorced itself from England and the ruler of the king.
Our founders believed we did not need to be run by a tyrant but that we should represent ourselves in god’s country.
That is why we seceded from England and fought with many lives as a price to pay for this freedom. This freedom allows you to wear this patriotic clothing.
We wear this patriotic clothing as a reminder of our freedoms.
In today’s day and age more and more of our freedom’s are being taken away by corrupt lawmakers affiliated with profiting companies.
We need to represent we are the people and this country was created by the people and for the people.
It’s time to take back our freedom and the first step to doing this is expressing ourselves with patriotic clothing.
In a world where your friend may just “unfriend” you on Facebook because you align yourself with a certain political party it is becoming more difficult to express yourself.
With patriotic clothing you can express the love you have for your country without being unfriended.
You can wear your stripes proudly in public and no one knows which political party you align yourself with.
Patriotic clothing allows you to express your love for your country. It also allows you to express your badass self.
In fact there’s nothing more sexy than a person who is grounded in their own principles and beliefs systems.
The fact that you have the courage to express that is very attractive to many people.
Go ahead and keep on expressing yourself because we as Americans love your patriotic clothing!