(Newswire.net — February 18, 2020) —
Many people who try diets end up failing and giving up on them after only a few weeks. This just goes to show that these people, usually, failed to ask themselves the right questions before choosing their diet. While the ambition to get healthy and fit is great, it’s only worth anything if you actually do it, so you want to make sure you choose a plan that works for you. Keto, in particular, is notoriously difficult for some people to follow. That’s not to say keto doesn’t work, it certainly does—if you can stick to the guidelines. Here are some of the questions you should ask yourself before going keto.
What is Your Goal?
By failing to set specific goals, many people are dooming themselves for failure. Simply saying “I want to get in better shape” is not a good goal. You need to be specific about what you want to do, how you are going to do it, and within what kind of timeline.
A good fitness goal, for example, would be “I want to lose 20lbs in four months by jogging at least three times per week and going to the gym and weightlifting at least twice a week.” The reason this goal works is that it has clear parameters and offers the person incremental steps they can track and measure as they go. If three months go by and they have lost only 10lbs, well then, they know they better start focusing on doing what they need to do because they have only one month left!
As for Keto: Keto is a great diet if your goals include losing some major weight or, specifically, fat. Or if you are looking to increase strength in the weight room or energy throughout the day.
Is Your Diet Meant to Be Short-Term or Long-Term?
Not every diet is meant to last your entire lifetime. Sometimes, for example, athletes will go on crash diets or strength diets in the run-up to their competitions. Other times people will need to lose lots of weight quickly for medical reasons. Ideally, you choose a diet that is sustainable and which you can do over the long term without any issues. But keto, for one, has long-term benefits even when it is done in the short term. While it’s best to do keto over the course of many months or even years, those who do the diet even for as little time as three-months may reap long-term benefits in terms of major weight loss and “resetting” their metabolism. One of the keys to keto is that it trains your body to use fat as its primary fuel source. Some suggest that, even when done in the short-term, keto may have lasting effects on your body’s ability to function on fats.
Are You Going to Exercise?
Some diets are so extreme that, while you are sure to lose weight, you will also lose muscle and may not even have the energy to exercise. If maintaining muscle mass and going to the gym are important to you then you’re going to want to consider whether your diet is going to leave you with enough energy.
If you decide to try keto, you have nothing to worry about in terms of energy. Most people, in fact, find that they actually have more energy when following the ketogenic diet.
Are You Going to Take Supplements?
If your version of the keto diet does not involve fruits and, most importantly, vegetables then you are going to have to supplement some of your body’s essential vitamins and minerals. While high-fat diets do a lot of positive things for your health, they are often lacking in some important nutrients that can be easily added with a multivitamin and or other supplements such as Adapted Nutrition keto supplements.