(Newswire.net — October 15, 2017) — It is a misleading thought that using complex passwords may hide your data from hackers since they can monitor what you type, said John McAfee, founder of the internet security giant.
“Hackers have invented this new technique like key strike loggers, that log every key that you type. John McAfee told Russia Today’s Holland Cooke in The Big Picture. “So, if they watch as you type who cares what’s happened after it is encrypted,” he said.
In addition, hackers have screen capture capabilities that means they can see all your personal data before you send it to an encrypted location, McAfee explained.
“We are forgetting the fact that hackers continue to evolve new and amazing techniques to spy on you, so you have no privacy,” McAfee said.
The moment a smart phone user is logged to some porn web page or any other questionable web content his device could catch a key stroke logger. That means as many as 80 percent of Americans are being watched. However, they are not being watched by an army of humans but by computers and algorithms that hunt words such as bank account, bitcoin, wallet… That is the moment hackers receive intel on your account and if there is more than $10.000 they will empty it, McAfee explains.
John McAfee confirmed that any smartphone is actualy a genuine spying device that spys on us, giving away the details on our life through „usefull“ apps such as the LED flash light app, or any free app on our smartphone.
„What, do you think digital apps are free?…An app that costs a quarter million dollars to develop and they are giving it to you for free?“ McAfee stressed.
There is alwys a price to pay, however, usually it is collecting personal data in order to better target advertising messages and for developing marketing strategies by analysing habits of users. But sometime it is hacker groups that steal money or personal data.
Also, there is always a posibilitty that what appears to be a benign smartphone app is a serious spying tool that can activate your smartphone microphone and camera listening and recording without our knowledge. Those apps are so sophisticated that they bypass the screen so the smartphone is not registering the activation of camera.
„The problem we have as a culture is that we have bought into a concept that says: If you have nothing to hide, then you have nothing to fear. That was invented in 1940’s by Adolf Hitler,“ McAfee said.