(Newswire.net — April 15, 2020) —
While there are several movies that have been hotly anticipated over the past few months, The Islands is at the top of the list. This powerful piece of cinematography tells the touching story of Chiefess Kapio-Lani, who leads her people on a journey of discovery and redemption in the face of colonization on the Hawaiian islands. Her story is one of heartbreak, betrayal, violence, and ultimate redemption as she walks a journey with not only her people but also her Christian faith. As a movie that has something for everyone, The Islands has quickly garnered attention from critics all over the world, shooting it to the top of the movie list this year.
The Islands is filmed on-location in Hawaii, adding to its power, and tells the story of missionaries who arrive on the island in 1820. These missionaries are there to share the gospel and the story of Jesus Christ with natives who are wary of white visitors. They are well aware of what their ancestors had been through during the era of colonialism. While missionaries are peaceful visitors who simply want to share their religion, the native population sees white people who look like colonists who have exploited the beautiful islands in the Pacific in the past.
It takes a powerful show of trust and faith from Chiefess Kapio-Lani, who opens her heart to the missionaries, to welcome them into their society. As a young but strong leader, she takes the time to listen to the story these missionaries are here to tell. Even though the missionaries simply want to share the word of Jesus Christ, the native population already has a god they deify named Pe’le. As a goddess of the volcano, Pe’le demands human sacrifice in order to keep the lava plumes from overtaking their villages.
What follows during The Islands is a breathtaking journey describing how the missionaries navigate a foreign society, its volcano god, and a young Chiefess who is on a journey of her own. As the stories of Chiefess Kapio-Lani and the missionaries weave back and forth, the audience is treated to a true work of cinematic brilliance. The movie serves to highlight the dark history of colonization, the attitudes of indigenous peoples with respect to outsiders, and the power of a few inspired people to change the hearts of many.
The Islands is a film that is going to cater to a wide audience. The production team worked hard to cast the movie with actors and actresses of Polynesian descent, paying homage to the historical context of the film. Combined with the fact that the film is shot on location, it is clear that director Tim Chey didn’t want to just create an entertaining movie but also tell a story that pays respect to the stories upon which the film is based.