(Newswire.net — July 16, 2019) — Look no further because below are a few tips from great pit masters as well as serial BBQ champion Myron Mixon, Billy Durney, Mike Mills Who by way started grilling years ago. Among them, Myron Mixon has won over 1500 trophies all over the country, whereas Mike Mills is a 4-times BBQ champion.
So, these tips will take your food smoking and grilling experience to a whole new level.
1. DO YOUR RESEARCH AND START ON TIME- Barbecuing isn’t just about throwing chunks of meat on a grill, says BBQ experts Perfectly Smoked. It is essential to research and understand the whole process, especially now that there is so much information available, Read cookbooks, take classes, search the Internet, watch shows. It will make you a better pitmaster. It also helps to have a working knowledge of your equipment. And try to start on time because most of the meat has a layer of fat or water which helps absorb the smoky flavor and as these fry out the smoke is then able to penetrate into the substance of the meat to produce that intense, heavenly, smoky flavor.
2. GO SLOW AND TAKE YOUR TIME– As per Wiley Championship BBQ, Cooking with smoke, slowly at a low heat is what makes it different.
The best meat is smoked with indirect heat, not to much fire or direct heat, its not just about stacking your smoker with chunk after chunk of wood, take your time and let the indirect heat tenderize your sinewy meat so you will hardly need teeth when you are chowing down.
3. TRY TO RESIST THE TEMPTATION TO PEEK– This is simple and straightforward because every time you open the smoker to peek, you lose your two most important ingredients, smoke, and heat, so make sure you set everything right once at the beginning and then relax and wait.
4. IF THE BARK ISN’T DARK, YOU ARE NOT DONE YET- If the bark of the meat isn’t yet a kind mahogany dark crusted color, then you are far from being done, you must wait for it to develop that dark crust over the luscious meat beneath, before you can expect that heavenly taste of grilled meat we all love.
5. TRASH THE CHIP TRAY- If you are using an electric smoker, with time the chip trays that come with electric smokers can become bothersome and can make the food bland, ditch the tray and instead use a small tube or box or something called an A-maze-n pellet smoker, to give you 4-9 or even 11 hours of thin blue smoky flavored flame.
6. IF YOU DO DESIRE TO USE YOUR CHIP TRAYS DON’T SOAK THEM– Because there really is no reason to do that. Soaking them produces this thick white smoke that we all assume is good for the grill, but that has been found to not even be smoke at all.
7. AVOID OVER SMOKING- One thing to always remember is that when it comes to smoke, more is never more, you just need a little amount of smoking to get that desired flavor.
- Remove excess fat and skin to help the marinade penetrate properly
- Never use metal bowls for marinating, always use plastic, ceramic or glass
- Your marinade must never ever be thick, it should be as light as possible this helps it get better absorbed by the meat
- Make sure the marinade uniformly covers the meat to ensure it gets properly absorbed
- Never re-use your marinade to avoid giving your guests food poisoning
- Always use tongs to turn the meat, never use forks as they create holes through which the marinade juices flow out and making the meat lose flavor.
Now although the smoke and the marinade help give it flavor, there are certain other condiments that help to enhance that flavor. These include
The seasoning rubs which could consist of garlic, spices and even herbs, in short, any seasoning that you happen to fancy will make for a great rub.
For the bastes, keep it watery and be careful when using vinegar or acidic juices as too much can make the meat bitter, too much sugary juices also make the meat burn quicker.
Billy Durney– being a Pitmaster at Hometown Bar-B-Que Brooklyn New York- says, you may baste meats while cooking, using good cooking oil, butter or a BBQ sauce.
Finishing sauces are applied to your taste, they don’t go into the fire, this is where you are free to experiment as much as you may like, in other words, you can go crazy with them, just not too crazy, as over-flavoring can spoil all your hard work.
10. HAVE A MEAT THERMOMETER AND USE IT- The greatest compliment you will ever get after grilling is when people tell you that everything about the meat was good’ and by this, they mean that the consistency was perfect across the board. To get to this point isn’t rocket science, you just have to employ strict cook time and temperature controls.
First of all, it is important to always remember that cook time always depends on the internal temperature. So you cook different kinds of meat to a very specific internal temperature. This internal temperature is very easily ascertained by using your meat thermometer when you use this judiciously, you can be sure as hell that you are where you need to be for the perfect grill.
Mike Mills tips– Who is 4-time World Champion and also have 3-time Grand World Champion, at Memphis and is a famous Pitmaster at 17th Street Barbecue, Illinois- You have to learn the principles of fire while building it slowly, controlling the increase and decrease of temperature, only then you can end up getting the best BBQ taste.
As per the experts in this field, some of the most common temperatures required are;
- Chicken – 170*F
- Beef Brisket – 190*F
- Rare- 125- 133*F
- Medium Rare- 133- 140*F
- Medium- 140 -145*F
- Medium Well- 145- 150*F
- Pork Butt – 190*F
- Pork Tenderloin – 140 -160*F
- Pork Loin – 160 -170*F
This is barbecue season, with this info at you, fingertips, not only will your grilling prowess go up several notches, but this barbecue season will be one you won’t forget in a hurry and will set you well on the path to becoming a true pitmaster.