10 Reasons Why Small Business Owners Should Think Big

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(Newswire.net — June 2, 2017) Hudson, WI — Going into business is a leap of faith which translates into believing in yourself and your dream. Whether your business has just begun or has been operating for several years, thinking of your business beyond its current customer list and square footage will serve you now and into the future. Here are 10 reasons why thinking big will benefit your business:

1) Your small business plays in a big market.

We are all wired together in a global marketplace. Even if your customers are strictly local, you have competitors, suppliers, lenders and regulators who may have a broader reach. Treating your small business as if it has a global footprint (which it does), enables you to operate nimbly as well as professionally. Your customers will appreciate you for it, too. 

2) Thinking small is not a growth strategy.

Planning for growth is not a someday project. The busy proprietor can easily be overwhelmed with long hours and worklists. However, if your business dream had any element of freedom attached to it, you will want to schedule yourself time to work on your business vision as well as in its day-to-day operations. Eventually you’ll be able to choose the hat you wear in your organization rather than trying to wear all of them.

3) Staying small is no easier than growing big.

The thought of having a larger business may be daunting, yet if you are to enjoy any level of success, your business is likely to grow. Rather than coming apart at the seams as it does, you will have a far easier time in the long-run if you grow your business into something for which you have prepared. If the idea of having a large, profitable and expanding business troubles you, then somebody else will certainly want to buy it.

4) You are capable of more than you think.

Believe it or not, many business giants started out with as little or less than you. Where you begin is simply where you begin. Wrap your mind around where you want to go and aim for the stars. Seeing it is the first step to achieving it. Furthermore, there is no honor in thinking less of yourself than others who have pursued and accomplished their dreams. Your vision is the stuff that a ttracts others — customers, colleagues, mentors — who will help you make it happen.

5) It’s not about the money.

The sad fact is that entrepreneurs with a lot of startup capital burn through it faster than those who start up with less. Startup capital does not provide lasting value. The value you and your business create is the only value that is sustainable. Know your customers — their needs, wants and sweet spots. Then build your business around keeping them fulfilled and satisfied. The money will come as a result.

6) Your team wants a future.

As your business becomes busier, you will want to attract people who will help you serve your customers and build upon your good reputation. As good people become part of your team, you’d probably like it if they stuck around. Give your team members a reason to grow with you. Articulate your vision, build a plan around it and make certain it is grand enough to share the rewards. If you do so, chances are better that their dreams will include yours.

7) If you stretch yourself, you’re more likely to reach your goals.

Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, author of The Power of Positive Thinking, said “Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars.” Without stretching, it’s difficult to make the leaps necessary to improve our results. When you work out in the gym, the new exercises you work through this week makes last week’s exercises easier to perform. In music, the score you learn to play today makes those you have practiced seem easier. The same theme holds true for business. Stretching yourself beyond your perceptual limits has a way of bringing your closer to your dream.

8) Big or small, many of the principles of success remain the same.

Growth, itself, is not a goal. It is the result of succeeding with your dream. When you do something well, such as please and delight a customer, you will find more opportunities to repeat the pleasure you have delivered. New customers will be referred to you. Your existing customers will return for more of the same experience. The good that your company does has a way of expanding. The discipline that you build into your business to deliver good quality is applicable whether you have 10 or 10,000 customers. Structure your business so that it is scalable and you will keep your customers happy.

9)Even small businesses can have big customers.

Large enterprises often depend upon being supplied and serviced by many smaller businesses in their operations. Someday, if not already, you may find yourself faced with the opportunity to have a large business as your customer. When that day comes, you will become part of what they deliver to their customers. Understanding the needs of your customer means understanding their businesses and customers as well. It’s a greater part of the market that you collectively serve. Knowing your market niche, its needs and nuances, will prepare you for the big opportunity that may knock on your door as soon as today.

10) Small business can make big things happen.

Never forget that some of the world’s greatest organizations began in a garage. The dream that occupies the space in your mind is likely shared in part by others who will participate or benefit from your dream someday. Do not underestimate the good you are capable of doing and the desire that calls it forward. Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu said “The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. Each step you take toward the realization of your dream will provide clues to the next leg of your journey. Therefore, don’t be afraid to think big.”

Linda Ruhland serves on the board of WeMN and is the founder of Spirit of Success LLC, platforms for business, professional and personal development. She is also the editor and producer of Amazing Workplace: Creating the Conditions that Inspire Success.

Spirit of Success, LLC

511 2nd St. #11
Hudson, WI 54022
United States