10 Winters Care Tips for Dog

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(Newswire.net — October 22, 2019) — Snow, cold spell, winds… and then, blankets, heaters, campfires…there is a lot to prepare when it comes to winters, not only for ourselves, but our dogs are also affected by this cold season. There is a myth that dogs have thick skin and fur, so they can tolerate cold much better than humans, but it is not true, no dog, even a thick coated Husky, is not safe from frostbite or hypothermia. Winters are the time when our dogs need some extra care and attention. So, here in this article, we will discuss some tips which you can follow to save your little pooch from life-threatening frostbite or hypothermia.

1. Limit Outdoor Events

As now your yard is full of snow and the weather is freezing, you might want to stay inside of your warm home, sleep in your cozy bed, have warm drinks. But don’t forget your pup while comforting yourself. He might in shivering in that freezing wind. Dogs also feel cold and can get sick. Limit his outdoor activities and let him stay in with you. Sometimes, your dog also needs a regular walk regardless of the weather. So, the idea is; go out with him, and when you are ready to come in, he will probably come in. Remember, Indoor pets are the happiest.

2. Cozy Beds And Sweaters

Most of you enter a cozy bed right after reaching home from the university or work especially during winters and you wish never to come out of that warm little kingdom again. But, have you ever thought of providing a warm bed like you to your pooch? No! Because they have fur and thick skin. Wrong! They also feel cold, and it is your responsibility to prevent them from freezing weather, which can cause hypothermia and frostbite to them. Don’t make him sleep on the cold floor. Also, make sure that his bed is at a certain height so that the cold of freezing tiles do not get transferred to his bed. Invest in some winter clothes for your pup. It will protect it from the cold breeze and keep him warm.

3. Protect Puppy-Paws

It is a myth that dogs don’t need boots because their paws can’t freeze. Though they have a special circulatory system in their paws which prevent them from losing less heat than humans do, they still need protection; to prevent those furry paws from cuts due to snow or ice. Check your dog’s paws for any cut and dry them regularly. Bring some comfortable boots; those should be waterproof and warm. In most of the places, deicing agents are used for melting the snow. If your dog licks his paws after walking on deicer, he may be at risk of getting sick.

4.  Adjust Food Intake and Schedule

Just like humans, dogs are usually less active in winters. They do less physical activities, so, there is a need to adjust the diet quantity accordingly. Obviously, you don’t want your dog to gain weight, so, change or adjust the diet pattern of your pup. You can ask for a bit of advice from the vet about the dietary pattern of dogs during winters. Moreover, keep him engaged in indoor activities; like playing with toys or playing hide and seek with them. Trust me; dogs love to play hide, and seek!  

5. No Heaters

Heaters can cause big damage to both- you and your pet. Prolonged exposure to heaters can cause carbon monoxide poisoning, thermal, or fire accidents. Always remember, your dog is not aware of the distance, which is to be maintained from the heaters. It will take less than a minute for his silky fur to catch fire. Teach your dog not to go near to heaters or fire chimneys, to prevent unwanted accidents. 

6. Hydration is Important

Winter is a dry season. Like humans, dogs also suffer from dehydration during winters. Actually, dogs can dehydrate in winters as fast as they dehydrate in summers. Refill his water bowl from time to time. If your dog likes to stay outside and loves to eat snow, don’t restrict him, until the snow is fresh enough in your yard. But eating snow is not an adequate substitute for water. Provide him with water after regular intervals.

7. Moisturizers

The cold, dry winter air is brutal. Just stepping outside can crack your lips and stings your face. These aren’t only human problems, but most of the pets, regardless of their extra layer of fur, can suffer from dryness, which cannot be visible to your naked eyes. Apart from keeping him hydrated, you can also apply the moisturizing topicals on his skin. It is also found that regular brushing stimulates the oil glands and prevent the skin from drying. You can also apply coconut oil to his skin, ear, and nose. 

8. Walk in Sunshine

Sun heat is the most relaxing thing, which all of us desires during winters. Your dog can get more and more inactive during winters. So, to prevent that laziness, take him to a walk during the late mornings and afternoons, when the atmosphere is warm. Play with him in the sunshine and get an advantage of free vitamin D for you both. 

9. Keep a check on the symptoms of Frostbite and Hypothermia

Frostbite and hypothermia are the two serious cold weather conditions, which can be life-threatening for your dog. So, you should be aware of the signs and symptoms of these problems. Keep a careful eye on these following signs: 

  • Strong shivering and trembling
  • Lethargic or weak
  • Coolness to touch
  • Redness
  • Swelling in paws
  • Body temperature less than 95 degrees farenheit

Keep your dog’s health issues checked by studying his behavioral changes; DogCrunch.com has explained these behavioral changes in a detailed manner.