(Newswire.net — March 14, 2023) — Trauma is an unavoidable part of life. Sadly, it can sometimes lead to serious mental health problems. Depression and anxiety are two common symptoms of trauma, often marked by flashbacks and nightmares. These issues can be debilitating and difficult to treat using traditional methods such as counseling or psychotherapy because they cannot address the underlying causes of these mental disorders. However, recent research offers promising solutions to this problem.
Trauma is an unavoidable part of life. Sadly, it can sometimes lead to serious mental health problems. Depression and anxiety are two common symptoms of trauma, often marked by flashbacks and nightmares. These issues can be debilitating and difficult to treat using traditional methods such as counseling or psychotherapy because they cannot address the underlying causes of these mental disorders. Nonetheless, recent research offers promising solutions to this problem.
The practice involves alternating blinking between rapid eye movements and rest periods, which helps the mind relax. During therapy conclaves, clients are asked to describe their trauma memories in vivid detail by re-experiencing them through brief exposure therapy via EMDR treatment sessions.
EMDR is an integrative psychotherapy approach that uses bilateral stimulation with the eyes shutting to help people process traumatic memories. The use of eye movement desensitization and reprocessing therapy has been suggested as a possible treatment for trauma-related disorders. In this article, we’ll talk about three reasons why EMDR benefits people facing the abovementioned issues and how it can lead to better solutions for those suffering from these mental illnesses.
1: Reprograms the Way a Person Thinks About Their Traumatic Event
EMDR therapy uses bilateral stimulation throughout treatment to retrain a person’s brain to process memories and information differently. This happens because EMDR helps someone process their memories in less stressful ways that don’t involve reliving the traumatic event.
2: Helps Provide a Sense of Resolution
Emotional wounds can take a long time to heal, but by working with an EMDR therapist, you can slowly begin to move past your traumatic event. The goal of EMDR therapy is to help clients face their trauma head-on and examine why they are having such negative reactions to it. Once the client has examined their trauma thoroughly and understands what caused them pain, the memories of this incident will not have as much power over them, and they will be able to let go of these memories. This is a very empowering experience for someone who has dealt with a traumatic past and feels like they cannot move forward in life due to their trauma.
3: Enables People to Process and Regain Control Over Their Emotions
Trauma often causes people to lose control of their emotions; in some cases, victims may experience emotional numbing. EMDR helps people address these issues and gain more control over their emotions by allowing them to slowly process experiences that have been causing emotional distress. This process allows the person to feel safe and calm enough to recall memories related to those experiences without experiencing an increased level of arousal. EMDR also helps change thought patterns contributing to heightened fear, anxiety, or anger.
In confronting a trauma memory, it is necessary to identify feelings or memories linked with this event. EMDR therapy has been developed via several different models, which all have unique characteristics but may use similar processes. The therapist assists the person in recalling the memory of the trauma and connecting it with an accompanying physiological response. EMDR therapy is a proven tool for overcoming trauma and should be considered if you are experiencing anxiety, depression, PTSD, or any other mental illness resulting from a difficult past.