(Newswire.net — June 27, 2022) — Many entrepreneurs pride themselves on ‘doing everything on their own. And while at some point that’s a handy strategy to save money, it isn’t a great thing for your business in the long run. Because let’s be honest: you can’t be good at everything and to grow a company, you need to be able to focus on the things you’re truly passionate about and good at! For instance, giving sales pitches or building long-term relationships with partners. And the work that you outsource, can be given to people that are truly good and passionate about those things!
In this article, we talk about some services you can outsource to make your company grow.
1: Online marketing
To make your company grow, it’s important that your products and services are shown to the right people. That’s where marketing comes in. While once upon a time marketing was mostly buying ad space in papers, in 2022 it’s all about online marketing. You want to have ads showing on the result pages of the most important keywords related to your business and you want to rank high in the search results for your products and services.
Online marketing is deceptively difficult. It might seem easy to put a few ads online linked to your credit card number and it might seem even easier to write a bit of text for your website. But that doesn’t mean you won’t spend a lot of money for barely any clicks… or maybe no one reads your text. Because Google (and other search engines) keep on changing the algorithm, you need one or more professionals that know how to play the game so you rank well on Google and don’t spend an insane amount of money on your ads.
2. Customer service
Did you know that many big companies outsource their customer service to external companies? Understandable if you know how time-consuming customer service can be. If you work with an external company, you can train those customer service agents in answering questions with the correct tone-of-voice, without having to do it yourself.
3. Taxes and debt collection
Many people despise the paperwork that’s involved with taxes and sending out invoices. Receiving money is fun of course, but when someone’s not paying your invoice or if you have to do your taxes of the last year… it’s all less fun. But this is another task you can almost fully outsource! Make sure you hire a good accountancy firm that takes care of your taxes and always has the number of a debt collection agency (Dutch: incassobureau) on your phone. Hiring a debt collection agency (Dutch: incassobureau inschakelen) can save you from having to call and email time and time again to remind debtors about outstanding debt. They’ll track down your debtors to make sure they pay. Knowing someone takes care of that feels great – and while they do that, you can focus on the really important aspects of your business!
What services do you outsource already? Let us know!