(Newswire.net — August 9, 2018) — Assignments are some of the most crucial things you’ll be doing as a student. On one hand, they afford you the opportunity to explore and develop your skills as a researcher by looking for information on the internet and combining everything you find into reports. On the other hand, if you fail to do the research correctly you might end up with a report that lacks substance or is full of inaccuracies, which would result in bad grades for you. Here are a few research tips that you can easily implement for the best quality reports and grades:
1. Use Google Search Like A Pro
Most people just go to Google and paste their assignment questions verbatim. That’s the wrong way to go about it: The better way is to focus on using keywords instead. With keywords and advanced search commands, you can narrow your search and even instruct Google to get certain results while ignoring others. For instance, if you were to put a particular keyword in quotations marks, it would make Google only show results that contain that specific search term. There are many other commands you can apply creatively for the clearest results.
2. Set Time Limits
Research can be very interesting and it’s very easy to get drawn down the rabbit hole, following one link after another far away from your original query. To avoid this, set time limits on your research so that you’ll be sure original question that you were researching and get the information you have without wasting too much time on tangential pages. It’ll increase your efficiency significantly and make sure you remain focused.
3. Watch the Dates
If you are conducting a study in 2018 and you’re using statistics from 2006 whereas there are newer ones gotten in 2017, you will automatically be at a disadvantage to someone with the newer statistics. Ensure you keep at the dates of publication in mind while going through the results you get from a search. That way, you will be able to prioritize those are more recent. That will show the professor that you’ve actually spent time to go deeply into the subject matter as opposed to just lifting the first few pages that came up in your search for chemistry homework help, for instance.
4. Evaluate the Objectivity of Sources:
When you are putting statistics or any other information from any website, it is important you evaluate what the motive might be on the part of the website operators who out the information up. If you’re citing the information as an important part of your research, it’ll be worth your time to do a search on the website itself to be certain that it’s a credible one. It’ll be a bad mistake to give misleading information in your report just because you didn’t get the full picture from any particular source. Many websites post statistics which are true but deliberately twisted to give a false impression, and it’s your responsibility as a good researcher to avoid those.