(Newswire.net — April 11, 2018) — The rush to invest in all things related to cryptocurrency has led to more than a few investors being burned. Many of those bad experiences for investors can be blamed on their lack of knowledge on the subject. There is also the notion that the market, with so many different kinds of coins with disparate values to be found all over the place, is so complicated that it’s nearly impossible for an individual investor to keep track of it all and make the right decisions concerning their investment potential.
As a result, many investors turn to trading programs, such as Crypto VIP, that is quite effective and has been proven to deliver positive results on a consistent basis. But how should you, as an investor, be able to tell which of these trading robots are worth your time and which are actually delivering promises that they can’t possibly keep? When you look at the website for each of these different trading programs, there are several items that you should keep in mind to separate the good from the bad.
1.Great Resume
A trading robot is only as effective as the person who wrote up the program for it. As a result, you should be able to find on their website some evidence of the bona fides of the person behind it. If they have the kind of qualifications in finance and technology that give you confidence, but don’t look too good to be true, you can move forward with a good feeling.
2. Testimonials Galore
Ideally, you would be able to find legitimate feedback from customers about the program. If the testimonials offered are fawning to the point of ridiculousness, you might wonder if they were planted. But if they seem thoughtful and realistic, you can generally assume that the customers involved walked away with a positive experience with these sellers.
3. Solid Reviews
If you’re dealing with a website that offers up a lot of customer raves but nothing in the way of a professional review, you could be dealing with scammers. On the other hand, a robot trading site that offers evidence of reviews (and, ideally, links to those reviews) that paint the robot’s performance in a positive light, you can have a bit of assurance that everything is on the up and up.
4. Just the Stats
The site in question should make some effort to give you an idea of the success rate of the robot. Again, the key is that they don’t exaggerate the stats to an impossible degree. If you contact them, you should ask them to verify the stats that they have quoted on the website.
Cryptocurrency trading robots can be an effective tool in what is a complicated area of the investment world. Just make sure to inspect them closely before you get involved, lest you end up falling for promises of big profits that were never meant to be kept.