(Newswire.net — June 1, 2017) — Thanks to the bounties of the World Wide Web, folks in the 21stcentury have been granted both, conventional and unconventional chances to make a name for themselves, while also making substantial dough on the side at the same time. One of these ways is through search engine optimization and internet marketing. So far, Pay per click advertising is producing its fair share of revenue for internet marketers, but it also has its problems, something which needs to be taken care of. As you may have guessed by the name, PPC advertising means to run your advertisement through a publisher, and every time a person clicks on your ad, you will have to fork out a fee. Of course, fraudulent people always try to find a way to defraud people, and the same group has also targeted this process. Let’s take a look at some of the biggest problems associated with PPC advertising and how to get rid of them.
Keeping your friends close and your enemies closer:
Keeping close tabs on your competitors and their strategies is always a good way to get things started in the positive direction. Your competitors can potentially be one of the sources of click fraud on your advertising campaign, so keep a close watch on people who are competing with your keywords.
Buying specialized software:
According to Justin Michie, founder of Click.org “Most of the click tracking and fraud protection software on the market is mediocre at best, so when it comes to detecting click fraud on your PPC marketing campaigns, make sure you go with a reputable brand that’s been around the block and had the ‘real world’ experience that you can rely on and trust.”
Advertise in well-known countries:
Not something which should be said out loud, but there are some countries in the world who have a bit of a reputation when it comes to click fraud. Most of these countries are places where labor is cheap, so people are hired very economically, to produce massive clicks on your ad to drive your budget through the roof on the first day already. So a good strategy would be to only run your ad in places that are not blacklisted and which don’t potentially ruin your campaign.
IP Exclusions AdWords:
Doing your research on the potential source which is causing massive clicks on your ad and driving your allotted budged into the ground always pays off in more ways than one. If your due diligence is complete and you have successfully discerned the IP that is causing all this ruckus, it is time you take action. One of the best things to do is specify that IP address in your AdWords system, and excluded it from ever being counted.
High Value sites > Low Value sites:
If it isn’t obvious by their names, let us reiterate it for you one more time, high value sites are better for your advertising campaign than low value sites. The word on your tongue right now is, “WHY?”. Simple, low value sites are breeding grounds for click fraud. Of course, high value sites charge more per click, but at least you are free from any worries regarding fraudulent clicking.
Monitoring the situation:
Although search engines have increased the crackdown on potentially malicious click frauds, but you can never be too sure of your own business. Too much reliance on Google’s bots will you dearly if you are not careful, so instead, why not use your resources to monitor for bad clicking habits. Of course, it is a bit difficult to find the source of the problem at first go, but persistence is key here. A check on the proceedings daily is absolutely required, and a sudden spike is a definite sign to be concerned about. One day if you are getting around 100 clicks, and if the next day you get over 500 clicks for no reason, you know something is fishy.