(Newswire.net — January 1, 2024) — When walking your dog in the winter, you must use precautions to ensure your pup is comfortable and safe. Whether you’re dealing with the bitter cold, ice, and snow, or just a slight temperature change, the suggestions below can help. You might be surprised at the easy changes you can make that will help make walks better for both of you throughout the winter months!
1. Keep Your Dog Warm
While you may have a warm coat on for outdoor walks, does your dog? Fur may not be enough, especially when temperatures are freezing. Most dog owners recommend investing in a dog coat if you notice signs that your dog is cold, such as shivering or a tucked-in tail. Dog shoes can also help keep their paws warm when the ground has ice or snow.
2. Find a Safe Pathway
If the walkway outside of your house is covered with snow, you may want to drive to a park to take your pup for a walk on a leash. With less snow and ice, your dog will be more comfortable, and you’ll both be less likely to slip and get hurt.
3. Watch for Signs of Your Dog Being Cold
While you may know your dog is cold by shivering or shaking, there are many other signs that they may be uncomfortable and need to go inside. Signs can include whining, lifting paws off the ground, barking, looking anxious, hunched posture, and not wanting to go for a walk.
4. Hire a Dog Walker
If you don’t enjoy walking outside during the winter, chances are you’ll cut walks with your dog short on more than one occasion. Some dog owners even admit to skipping walks all day because they can’t face the cold temperatures. A professional dog walking service will take their time walking your dog so you can be sure they get the exercise they need.
5. Cut Down on Walking Time
Taking shorter walks when it’s extremely cold outside can help you avoid potential risks, such as hypothermia. However, this should mean increasing the number of walks you take throughout the day to make up for the shorter walk time.
6. Avoid Chemicals
Ice-melting chemicals used on sidewalks can be dangerous if ingested. They can also be harmful to the paws of your dog’s feet. While you can try to avoid these during your walk, you should also wipe your dog’s paws thoroughly when they come inside.
7. Use Reflective Gear
With the sun setting earlier during the winter, reflective gear is essential for making sure drivers nearby can see you. Reflective leashes, coats, and collars are worth investing in for this reason. Not only will you and your dog be stylish, but more importantly, you will be safe.
Ready to Go for a Walk?
Whether you hire a dog walker or take shorter walks, keeping your dog active in the winter isn’t impossible. With the tips above, your dog can enjoy getting outside no matter what the weather brings your way! What changes will you make for your next walk?