8 Tips To Boost Your Immune System While In Self-Quarantine

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(Newswire.net — August 4, 2020) —

With strong measures being put in place almost across the globe to prevent COVID-19’s spread, more people are finding themselves stuck at home. Extended periods at home without being able to go out can often lead to endless cravings to snack, overeating, and consuming more of what we shouldn’t. However, if we want to boost our immune system we need to think holistically about our health. In this post, we look at 8 ways to boost the immune system when in quarantine.

Good nutrition is important even in good times. During the coronavirus crisis, it is even more pressing. Here, we outline 8 steps you can take to boost your immune system whilst respecting quarantine and protecting your fellow citizens. 

  1. Stick to a plan

The early stages of lockdown have seen various items disappear fast from shelves. This has left some people with overstocked cupboards and others without access to basic goods. Whilst it is natural to stock up more at this time, try to get into a routine and take only what you need. It is a good idea to do a home stock take so that if you do have to go to the shops or get a delivery, you don’t miss off something you need.

Whether you’re getting deliveries or going to the shops, sticking to a plan is a good way to manage your budget. It will also help you avoid making impulse purchases. Impulse buys tend to be things that aren’t good for us. Keeping them out of the home in quarantine makes it easier to avoid their tempting allure. This means when we feel like a snack in quarantine we’ll go for fruit rather than crisps – much better for your immune system.

  1. Prioritize fresh produce

One thing you might have noticed during lockdown is that dried goods have raced off the shelves but fresh produce has tended to be available. Fortunately, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), fresh produce is what we need to prioritize during this time. This is important for a number of reasons. Firstly, these foods are perishable and will be wasted if left on the shelves. Secondly, they are the best way to foster a healthy immune system. 

Ultimately, when it comes to promoting a healthy immune system, fruit and veg are vital. They are full of fiber which fosters good bacteria growth and a host of other vitamins and minerals. At least 400grams of fruit and veg a day is recommended. This should also be varied – different colors and types of fruit and veg will help you find the right balance.

  1. Cook you own meals

With fresh produce to work with, cooking preparation time will be extended. Fortunately, cooking can have therapeutic benefits. Whilst being at home doesn’t necessarily equate to more free time, particularly with childcare challenges, cooking your own meals is worth the time. For one thing, you know exactly what you’re putting into home-cooked meals. Whereas ready-meals, pasta sauces, and microwave meals tend to be full of additives.

Home-cooked meals will help to boost your immune system both through the preparation and the eating. Taking time every day to slow things down helps to foster relaxation, itself ban immune system booster. Food cooked from fresh produce also means more nutrition. It also means fewer additives and preservatives that the body struggles to process. 

  1. Keep well hydrated

Whilst stories that drinking lots of water can protect against the coronavirus were false, keeping hydrated is generally good for health and the immune system. Keeping hydrated makes your body better at regulating temperature, lubricates your joints, and keeps infections at bay. It also ensures nutrients from meals reach all the cells in your body helping keep you healthy and maximize your nutritional intake.  

  1. Get regular exercise

Simply staying well hydrated alone won’t boost the immune system. However, in combination with a balanced diet and keeping fit, it does boost the effectiveness of the immune system. Going outside can be either partially or completely restricted under quarantine. However, it is vitally important for your immune system to continue regular exercise.

Fortunately, exercise can be done indoors and there are thousands or perhaps millions of videos available on YouTube. You could also consider supporting personal trainers operating online who are prevented from working in person during quarantine. From yoga to weight-lifting and full-body workout routines, there are plenty of ways to get the heart racing and come out of quarantine with a healthier body all around.

  1. Take Supplements

Fresh produce will always be the best way to get the nutrients you need. However, some minerals can be harder to find in foods, such as Vitamin D that we mostly get from the sun . In this case your best option is to opt for high quality supplements from brands like Metagenics. In addition, whilst studies are still unclear about the benefits of Vitamin C in fighting the coronavirus, Vitamin C supplements are known to be effective at boosting the immune system. A healthy immune system gives you a better chance of fighting off disease and illness. 

  1. Spend time outside

Whilst quarantine means our time outside is restricted, it is not usually completely banned. As such, whilst staying within regulations, it is important to spend some time outside every day. This could be on an extended walk (preferably in areas with a low population density and limited visitors). It could be spending more time in the garden. Or it could be opening up the windows of your flat and sitting up against it. Fresh air helps to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. Studies also show increasing your time in the sunshine boosts your immune system.

  1. Reduce certain things

Most steps on this list have been about getting more of good things. However, a healthy immune system also means cutting down on harmful things. This includes cutting down on alcohol (or cutting it out altogether). Alcohol weakens the immune system making it harder for your body to deal with any disease. Cutting down on sugar and salt is also important, particularly processed sugars and salts.

No single step alone can truly boost the immune system. However, practiced together, these steps can foster a healthy mind and body. In turn, a healthy body and mind supports the development of a stronger immune system.