8 Ways Self Storage in London Can Help You Scale Your Small Business

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(Newswire.net — March 1, 2023) — Small businesses have about a 50% chance of surviving past the five-year mark. With that in mind, plus the challenging state of the economy, it really is no surprise that many small businesses are worried about expanding and growing. Scaling a business can be risky at the best of times, let alone when there are so many factors impacting the chance of surviving that kind of change. Whilst we can’t talk you through all the various different considerations a small business has to make when it comes to scaling, we do have some pretty great tips about a fantastic business service and how it can help you to grow: 

1. Try Anything Out With Less Risk

When you use self-storage to help you scale a small business you have the chance to try out a new idea with much less risk. Perhaps you want to try a new product line or a new way of packaging your products to expand operations. You don’t need a whole warehouse contract to do that. Self-storage can be used for a month to try the idea out and if it doesn’t work, you can end your contract and work on what to try next. 

2. Expand How You Use Rented Space

You can expand your operations without actually having to take on a new contract for an office or warehouse. What some people do is use self-storage to store items they move from their rented premises before then using the space created for more retail space, more operations space, or even just as an additional desk area for a new employee to work. You’re utilizing the space you pay the most for, and paying a competitive price to store the things you have moved. 

3. Flexible Contracts

When a small business scales it can often grow a bit, then shrink a bit, then grow a bit, then shrink a bit. This is normal, and small businesses always have growing pains. The issue comes when the ability to contract back is not there, and the business finds itself in debt or without the ability to fulfill orders. What self-storage does is provides the ability for small businesses to follow the natural process of growing and shrinking. You can often cancel a contract in as little as a month and start a new one immediately if space is available. 

4. Flexible Space

As above, businesses need flexibility when they are scaling, and that isn’t just with contracts. Often a business in London that is seasonal may need lots of storage space during a busy season, then a small amount when times are quieter. When you rent out somewhere larger with a long contract you are paying for that space every month, even on the months you don’t need it. With self-storage in London, you don’t need to pay for space year-round. You can have units of different sizes at different times depending on your needs. The ease with which you can switch depends on the facility, but usually, it is very easy to switch the units you are using to suit your business needs.

5. Fulfillment

One of the ways a lot of businesses struggle with scaling is when more orders come in as a positive response to better marketing etc, but then the fulfillment lags because it is being done out of a kitchen, or a garage. It could become disorganized, or you might struggle to find room for it at all. This can then result in complete chaos, which then leads to customers being unhappy and you lose money and brand loyalty. With self-storage you can use the space to store extra stock and to do your fulfillment, too. There may even be help with postage services at the facility you use, making your scaling process even easier. 

6. Promotional Materials

Sometimes scaling up means getting lots of physical promotional materials for trade fairs and events. This can be challenging to store anywhere, and it isn’t cheap so you can’t just be slinging it into a garage. Self-storage in London is a top choice for storing promotional materials, especially as it can be a center point for different team members to collect the items depending on who is going to each fair. 

7. Expensive Stock Protection

Sometimes when a small business scales up it can mean getting lots of new stock, which becomes a large part of the value of the business. In a garage or van stock can be at risk of theft, or environmental damage. Flooding, extreme temperatures, and pests – are all issues that could cause mass damage to stock. Even with good insurance, you can’t afford to have stock damaged like that. It takes a while to replace, all whilst customers are going without their order. Insurance may also not cover the stock when it is stored in a garage. Affordable London self storage gives you the best possible protection for your stock. It is highly secure and has climate control, pest control, and different control measures in place to help protect against environmental damage. 

8. Central Stock

Some businesses, like cleaning businesses, start off as one person, then grow into a business with multiple people going to multiple different houses to clean. If your small business is expanding in this way, a self-storage unit is a great alternative to an office or warehouse where staff can come and collect the stock they need for each booking. You can use it in the same way for entertainment businesses that may be storing accessories, decorations, furniture, and similar items. Even better, you can often get suppliers to deliver to the unit, and the reception will take the delivery. So logistically, having this central point for a business with multiple ‘arms’ makes really good business sense. 

If you would love to use self storage in London to boost your business, why not get in touch with your local self-storage facility today to find out how they can help you? Scaling up is no easy job in this challenging economic climate – maybe self-storage is the way that you start to move your business forward with less risk, great rate,s and lots of flexibility.