(Newswire.net — November 5, 2016) — We have heard a lot of horror stories about antibiotics. They can destroy your digestive capabilities, cause reactions that make your skin bubble up and ‘burn’ from the inside, develop a deformities in your child’s small intestine, create resistant bacteria infections, increase liver cancer susceptability, interfere with fetal development, lead to food poisoning, and even kill you.
Why has something that was supposed to help our health become so dangerous?
We are feeding it to animals in our food supplies. A study performed by Stanford University showed that feeding mice antibiotics did not make the Salmonella that they are known carriers for disappear but actually caused it to grow and reproduce faster. There is evidence that the same thing may be happening in our food supply. Even if it isn’t the amount of antibiotics left in our meat and dairy reduces our immune systems. They also kill some of the good bacteria that are meant to protect us. Last but not least, the bacteria in our world is mutating because of it. There isn’t enough to kill them off, so they are becoming resistant. This leads to human infections the hospitals are unable to treat.
Not all antibiotics have the same problems. One of the ones we encounter without even knowing it is triclosan. This is the one used in antibacterial soaps and toothpastes. Every time we wash our hands in a public restroom we are risking exposure to it. This is especially problematic for pregnant women. The chemical builds up in their system, and then impacts the developing baby. It can also interfere with conception. Triclosan can cause allergies, thyroid dysfunction, weight gain, and inflammation. There is also evidence it can increase the growth in liver and kidney tumors. One study is suggesting that triclosan can actually cause cancer, especially liver cancer.
It is so prevalent in our society that it has been found in 75% of us, and even in our waterways.
There are types of antibiotics, frequently prescribed by doctors, that come with their own set of problems, such as brain damage. These substances are known as flouroquinolones – Cipro being one of the better-known brand names on the market. Another brand name, Levaquin, has been linked to at least one death.
When your newborn is sick and the doctor prescribes an antibiotic you are anxious to follow directions to make sure your baby is healthy again. Doing so increases the risk of your child developing pyloric stenosis. This is a narrowing of the opening between the stomach and the small intestine. It prevents the stomach contents from moving into the small intestine, thus causing other severe problems. While research has provided a definitive cause and effect link there is a strong statistical correlation. The only treatment for it is surgery.
So, what are we supposed to do?
First of all is avoiding the environmental sources of antibiotics. This includes commercially grown meats, eggs and dairy, as well as hand soaps, toothpastes and other personal care products labeled as antibacterial.
Secondly we need to heed the old adage of ‘eat right and exercise’. It sounds mundane, but living a healthy lifestyle improves our immune function and reduces the need for antibiotics.
If you are sick and need some help there are actually a lot of antibiotics in nature. These include;
• Garlic
• Cinnamon
• Oregano Oil
• Colloidal Silver
• Manuka Honey
• Fermented Foods
• Echinacea
• Sunlight
• Vitamin D
• Cranberries
• Uva Ursi (or bearberry)
• Baking soda
Some of these work better on some issues than others. Cranberries and Baking soda are a real go to for UTI’s. Colloidal Silver taken internally is also great for this. Manuka Honey and colloidal silver are great for open wounds. Garlic is an all-around antibiotic, but must be eaten raw and in large quantities to get the most effect. The key is to know what you are battling and pick the right natural remedy in the right amount. This is one reason why the natural health industry is growing rapidly.
Source: http://blog.enrichgifts.com/2015/05/antibiotics-are-all-around-us.html